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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

gospel of one; letters of aul

Greetings; Namaste:

We are continuing with our reading and discussion of Aul's letter to the Omans. We are on paragraphs seven and eight of chapter one.

"Yes, humans have descended into the depths of depravity, and God let them! Yes, the God of Life has given us free will to make our own decisions, and alas, how far off course have we strayed at times. We don't even want to think about many of the abominable things that humans have done. At times we have lost all sense of compassion and love."

"The strange thing is, people have sometimes done awful things in the name of a loving God. They thought God was encouraging them to kill the infidels. Other people had no sense of God at all. They just did what they wanted to do for their own pleasure or benefit. It's not that we really didn't know better. In our heart of hearts, in our higher selves, we knew the truth, but we ignored it."

Sometimes people ask why doesn't God put a stop to the cruelty on earth. Why does a loving God allow such bad things to happen? Actually, he is stopping it through his perfect laws of cosmic justice. Eventually people will learn what they do to others, they actually do unto themselves. God, acting through angels and humans, has stopped many bad things from happening, but not all bad things have been prevented because events have consequences. We are working things out. The drama of creation lasts billions or trillions of years. The bad things may be a very insignificant part of the whole picture. The physical universe may be a small part of the whole creation. The higher vibration spheres of existence may be where most life is happening.

Okay, we are dealing with the here and now, so what do we do? In our heart of hearts, in our higher selves, we know what to do, we know who to be. It's time to be quiet and listen to our true Self.

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