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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone;

We are continuing with chapter two, paragraph three in the Letter of Aul to the Omans: "If we follow in the love and kindness of God, there are wonderful results. It doesn't matter what religion we follow, if any. Being a Buddhist, or Hindu, or Muslim, or Christian. or whatever, won't pull any special weight with God. God doesn't care so much about that. He looks at the heart. He looks beyond what others see and say about you and even beyond what you say about yourself. God knows the full truth of your being."

Commentary: You know that there are good and loving people in every religion. God does not favor one religion over another. He looks at the individual heart of everyone. The different religions appeal to different cultures and circumstances. It is folly to claim that there is only one true religion, yet many people are still doing that today, especially Christians and Muslims. I'd say relax and let go of any thoughts of superiority. God really does love everyone equally. How can that be? Because we are all part of God, part of the life everlasting.

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