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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, Namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter five, paragraph three in the letter to the Omans from the book, "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"I'm talking about the love of God here. Love doesn't wait for us to be perfect. Love comes to us when we are weak or rebellious. We can't understand how God can pour his love to us when we have such low opinions of ourselves. We can't understand how someone such as Jesus Christ can live such an unselfish life and let himself be humiliated and crucified when he had the power to get away from it all. He lived his life as a public example of God's love. so did Buddha and other great saints. They poured out the love of God, yet we don't think we are worthy or capable of emulating their examples."

Commentary: We often think that we need to deserve any love given to us, and I think that we want to feel that we deserve love. However, God loves us no matter what our attitude is, so it is up to us to accept it or not, and if we accept it, to pass it along.

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