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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We have finished going through the Letter to the Omans and are now starting the letter to the Orinthians in the book Gospel of One; Letters of Aul. (page 67). We start with paragraphs one and two.

"I, Aul, have been called and sent by my own mighty I Am presence according to my perceptions of what is true, righteous, and holy. I send my letter to you stalwart believers in the oneness of all life in Orinth, you who have cleaned yourselves up, shook yourselves free of the illusions, and now live freely in the love and glory of God. I include all in my greeting who call out to Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and others of the Ascended Hosts for help in dealing with the problems of life.

May all the gifts that flow from God, the angels, and Ascended Hosts be yours."

Commentary: Everyone has the right to make their own conscious connection to God and then to live in that relationship. The wisdom that comes through may be shared with others. Jesus, Krishna, Buddha and other saints and sages have shared their love and wisdom that comes with their deep connection with God in oneness. We look to them for guidance. People who understand the oneness of life know that Jesus, Krishna and Buddha are one in Spirit, yet have their own individual ways of expressing truth.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are concluding the Letter to the Omans with chapter 16, paragraph 6 from the book "Gospel of One, Letters of Aul."

"All of our praise rises to the One who is strong enough to make all of us strong, healthy, and wise, overflowing with love and joy. The mystery of life kept secret for so long is now an open book for us. All the nations of the world, all the people of the world can now know the truth and be brought into the circle of oneness. We can fulfill the purposes of God in making all of us co-creators in love and wisdom and power. All of our praise is focused on the incomparably wise God, and our thanks go to all the ones who went before us to connect with God and who have helped lead us home. Oh yes!"

Commentary: This sums up the message of oneness. We are all co-creating our lives with God and the holy ones who have already known this and have moved on to the ascended state are helping us to transcend ourselves and move up higher in understanding how the oneness of life works. We are all part of the wonderful life of God