Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 8 in the first chapter of the Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 68)
"I ask you, does anyone have the whole truth? Has God written a book wherein all the eternal truths are revealed? Did Jesus appear to everyone on earth? Did Krishna come to the American Indians? Did Buddha walk the Roman roads? Did Mohammed live in an igloo with the inuits? Different teachers and masters have come according to specific needs, in specific areas, with specific people. Though they may have taught many universal truths, they still ministered according to what the people they were among needed and were ready for."
Commentary: No book, no teacher has given us the complete and final truth about life, but various teachers have given us many valid insights into the process of life. However, to say that one particular teacher has given the highest and best teaching would only be a personal opinion. Other people might have a different opinion, and to fight about it and feel personal animosity toward someone of a different opinion would only reveal a lack of assimilating the teachings of one of God's messengers.