Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are now on the last paragraph of chapter one in the first letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Take a good look, my friends, at who you were when you were born into this world. You are from all walks of life, all races, all ethnic groups, all countries, all religions. Some of you occupy so-called "high" positions. Some of you occupy seemingly "low" positions. It doesn't matter to God. God knows your every thought. God knows all of your past lifetimes and possible future lives also. You have all played different roles. Some of you who now have high positions may well have been in low positions, and vice versa. So what is there to brag about? But with every moment of now you have a chance for a clean slate and a fresh start. You can be at your highest and best starting right now. The power of God is within you. If you are going to blow a horn for your ego-self, forget that and blow a trumpet for your God-self."
Commentary: We have all played many different roles, and probably in most of them the ego was in control, but it is our real God-self that matters. We are on our way back to our true identities in God. Our past experiences have had moments of glory and moments of shame, but the experiences did not define us. We are a lot more than any one lifetime of experience. Past experience is all valuable though, it forms the larger picture of who we are now as we press on to true freedom in God..
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

We are continuing with paragraph 12 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 68).
"Some people may be more impressed by a show of miracles or scientific explanations of life than by our quiet role modeling of oneness. They won't believe us, but for we who have personally realized the oneness of life--it is the secret wherein all life can be explained. Even the beliefs of the scoffers, atheists, and religionists are swallowed up in the oneness of God."
Commentary: People are attracted by celebrity figures, spectacular displays, and big promotions. Miracles get lots of attention. However, God sees all, including the honest endeavors of the people who are making a real contribution to the upward evolution of true spirituality. And those people are secure in their realization of oneness with God. They see everything in true perspective. The claims and pronouncements of high ranking religious figures or eminent materialistic scientists do not disturb them. Everything will be measured against the standards of eternal Truth.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 11 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (p68)
"Where do we look then, to find someone who is truly enlightened, truly wise, and truly knowledgeable about God and life? The folly of those who live in notions of separateness has been exposed again and again. Yet people still fall for the shallow philosophies based on separation from God. So where do we look? Let us look within and become role models."
Commentary: If we are always looking for somebody else to be the role model, then we will only postpone our own spiritual work. We do have role models for living the life of oneness, but we can't set them up as idols, which most religions have done with their founders and greatest saints and sages. Eventually we will have to stand on our own authority as conscious souls within the beingness of God.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 10 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (P 68)
"The gospel of oneness seems unrealistic to those who are lost in the thoughts of separateness and mired in the illusions of life, but for those people on the path of Self-Realization, it makes perfect sense. This is the way God works, and it is the way of sublime wisdom. The so-called experts of worldly wisdom who base their philosophy on the separation of life will be left as "cracked pots."
Commentary: It seems that most people are currently caught up in the dualistic struggles of life. Entire philosophies have been made up to deal with the dualistic vision of life. For example, the Chinese classic "The Art of War" is based on the notion that you can actually win a war by coming out on top in a dualistic struggle for supremacy. To have real victory everyone must work for a win-win outcome. Those people who stick to a dualistic view and try to come out on top will indeed be seen as "cracked pots" that cannot hold the water of oneness.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Namaste, Hello Everyone:
We are now on paragraph 9 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"My I Am Presence didn't send me out to make a name for myself and gather personal followers, but to preach the message of the oneness of life and to inspire people to treat all life as part of the oneness. And he didn't send me out to do it with a dazzling light show of my own, lest the powerful action at the center--your own Christ Self--be ignored in the outer display of wonders."
Commentary: Any attempt to make the preacher or teacher the focus of the message only leads to ego problems or idolatry. The message is that each and every one of us is at the center of God's creation, so let us all stand firm in the love and favor of our Creator God. God is us. We are all unique parts of the whole, and there is no division in the whole. It is amazing isn't it?
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