Hello everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 11 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (p68)
"Where do we look then, to find someone who is truly enlightened, truly wise, and truly knowledgeable about God and life? The folly of those who live in notions of separateness has been exposed again and again. Yet people still fall for the shallow philosophies based on separation from God. So where do we look? Let us look within and become role models."
Commentary: If we are always looking for somebody else to be the role model, then we will only postpone our own spiritual work. We do have role models for living the life of oneness, but we can't set them up as idols, which most religions have done with their founders and greatest saints and sages. Eventually we will have to stand on our own authority as conscious souls within the beingness of God.
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