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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 3 of chapter 9 of the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters or Aul."

"Still, I want to make it clear that money and fame are not our motivations.  We live simply and do not need lots of money.  As for fame, everyone is famous with God, and God is famous with us, and we are becoming famous with each other as each one of us is a magnificent aspect of God.  So the pleassure of proclaiming the gospel of oneness is ours, clear and free.  Any profit we receive from selling books will pay for our expenses."

Commentary: In oneness we realize that we are all equal parts of God, so we don't raise up one person over another. Everyone is raised up.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste;

We are now on paragraph 2 of chapter 9 in the first Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"I'm not afraid to stand up to my critics.  We who are on missionary assignments expect to be criticized by people who have vested interests in the status quo.  Many people would not support our efforts, but many do, and we are grateful for any support we receive. We know that we are on the right track and that our support is multiplying.  We have planted the seeds and God will give the increase."

Commentary: Many people don't like change, even if it is for their own good, and they can't see that it would be a beneficial change, so they fight against it. Instead of arguing with such people we just put forth our ideas, and let the cream rise to the top.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Gospel of oneness

Hi everyone, namaste:

We are now starting on chapter 9, paragraph 1 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 85).

"I'm sure that some of you will say that I have no authority to write like this. Some of you may think that I am changing scripture or adding to them, but I'm perfectly free to do this--isn't it obvious? Some of you may think that I have been inspired by God, and some of you may think that I am doing the devil's work. "By their fruits shall ye know them." The fruit is in bringing more people into a realization of their oneness with God and all of life. People with this realization live godly and holy lives.  They are kind, loving, peaceful, creative, and harmonious people.  Such people are living proof of my authority to write like this."

Commentary:  Scripture is a very touchy issue with some people. They think that every word in scripture is God inspired and approved of by God. Just how some writings came to be thought of as scripture though is a very involved story.  The Gospel of Oneness teaches that God is communicating with all of us all of the time. Many people have written down very inspirational thoughts that are just as good as scripture. God is not limited by what is contained in scriptures. The communication lines with God are wide open and vast.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraphs 4 and 5 of chapter 8 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"So the matter of diet is up to each individual according to his or her own conscience, needs, and body conditions.  It is a very personal choice.  The important thing is not to try to force anyone to eat any particular food and not to think you are better than anyone else because of your diet.

However, I do caution everyone to study the matter.  Some things are just not good for anyone's body.  And too much of any food is not good.  Also, excessive worrying about what you eat is not good.  Keep a good attitude, exercise regularly and appropriately.  Much of this is common sense yet people still have a hard time eating and exercising rightly. Help one another rather than criticizing people for their dietary problems."

Commentary: Diet does seem to be a matter of common sense, yet both malnutrition and obesity are serious problems in our world. So a lot of education about diet needs to supplement common sense.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste;

We are now on paragraphs 2 and 3 of chapter 8 of the The First Letter of the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 83)

"However, I'm not saying everyone should become a vegetarian.  Some people, because of their current bodily conditions, do need to eat meat.  Other people could gradually become vegetarians, or else greatly reduce their consumption of meat.

I'm not saying that it is a law of God that we should be vegetarians.  Some people think we should be vegans and not eat any animal products such as milk and eggs.  Some people think we should only eat fruits, seeds, and nuts.  Some people think we could become breatherians if we really tried to live on the pranic currents of God.  a few people can actually do that."

Commentary:  The fact that some people have actually lived as breatherians for many years proves that mankind does have this capability. The air does contain nutrients that we take in by breathing. We actually live by the energy that permeates the universe.  When we leave these bodies behind we will be sustained by a higher level of energy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gospel of oneness

Hi Everyone. namaste;

We are now moving on to paragraph one of chapter 8 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters or Aul."

"People often ask me about whether or not we should be vegetarians if we really mean to be true to our spiritual ideals.  We are one with all life, so we are one with the animals.  Animals have the right to live freely and not be mistreated and then eaten by humans.  The gross abuse of cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals on factory farms is awful.  Most of us do not need to eat animals to live.  A balanced vegetarian diet of fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, oils, beans, and spices is quite sustaining, and a wonderful variety of recipes are available. Plus we could feed more people in the world if we dedicated more time and effort in raising crops for people rather than for animals.  Current levels of cattle, pigs, and chickens would be reduced to achieve a natural balance."

Commentary: In America factory farms produce over 90% of the meat. Anyone who believes in the oneness of all life needs to be aware of what is happening to the animals on this planet. The abuse of any life hurts all of us.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on the 11th paragraph of chapter 7 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 82)

"So it really is up to the individual as to whether or not to get married or stay single.  Think deeply about what you want to do with your precious life.  If you are married already but are now just figuring out your real purpose in life, then perhaps some changes are in order.  It's no sin to get a divorce, but think deeply and lovingly.  Consider everyone who will be affected by changes in your marital status.  Compromises go along with marriage and family life. I'm not writing a book on the subject, I'm just giving you a few brief guidelines.  Once again I remind you to seek first the kingdom of God, the kingdom of life, love, laughter, beauty, kindness, and harmony with all."

Commentary:  Some marriages do break up when one of the partners gets "religion" and the other person just doesn't get it. However, if the person who "gets it" really understands the oneness of all life, then he or she can be an even better marriage partner and will not feel that he or she has to break away. A person living in oneness respects other people's beliefs and does not act superior. If the person who doesn't live in the oneness of life wants out of the marriage, then the oneness person needs to understand what is going on and respect the choices of others.The person living in oneness will always try to do what is best for everyone.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone; namaste:

We are moving on to paragraph 10 of chapter 7 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"I do want to point out that time is of the essence.  You only have a hundred years more or less to sow the seeds and reap the harvest of God-consciousness.  When you look at the records, how many people have truly realized their oneness with God and became Self-masters?  Fit to be among the ascended host? Not that many apparently.  But now I believe tens of thousands of people can do it.  The tools, resources, and inspirations are now available on a wide scale. By remaining single you could really concentrate on gaining your Self-mastery.. On the other hand, getting married and raising a family will give you plenty of chances for growth and problem solving."

Commentary: It isn't easy to gain your eternal freedom. There is no automatic salvation, that is why we need to be one-pointed in God consciousness.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone; namaste:

We are moving on to paragraphs 7,8,and 9 in chapter 7 of the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"All of you were once deeply lost in the illusions.  You were ignorant, but now you know better, so why slip back into thinking the illusions are real.  Hold the high ground of God consciousness and the awareness of oneness.

God doesn't give you explicit directions about whether you should get married or not.  You have the freedom to make up your own mind. Just try to realize your purpose in life and whether or not living with a partner and children fits in with that purpose.  For most of you I would say that getting married and having children would be beneficial.

If you want to pursue the divine romance with God and be free to serve life whenever and wherever you want without being held back by family obligations, then I suggest that you stay single and perhaps join a monastic order where other people will reinforce your ideals and actions."

Commentary:  It seems that only a few people are so focused on their direct relationship to God that marriage would not be a good idea. But whether a person stays single or marries, the important action is to realize our oneness with God, drop the ego, and live for the benefit of everyone.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gospel of oneness

Hi Everyone, namaste,

We are now on paragraph 6 in chapter 7 of the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book, "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Were you stuck in slavery when you realized your oneness with God? If so, remember that you are a sovereign and free being in God. I am totally opposed to slavery of any kind, and there are many kinds of subtle slavery. Escape from all forms of slavery, especially slavery to other people, but also from economic slavery and slavery to bad habits. You're not a slave to God either. God wants you to exercise your freedom and creativity. It's a marvelous thing. God has given us many suggestions on how we can express our individuality in harmony with all."

Commentary: Here is why slavery is so bad: It is a complete negation of our Godhood. As souls come from God we are free and self-sufficient beings. But we have given in to the illusions of life. We think we are dependent on the things of this world. We think we are locked into the money system. We think we are locked into this food system. We think we have so many limitations. The only way out it up, and God has given us ways to move up to freedom.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 5 in chapter 7 of the first Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Were you Jewish or Christian or Buddhist or Muslim or Hindu or Taoist when you first realized your oneness with God?  Whatever you were, don't try to hide it or disavow it, or brag about it.  People from all religions or no religion have come into the realization that they are one with God."

Commentary: The realization of oneness transcends all religious doctrines. Once you realize that you are one with God then you see all religions in perspective and you see that they have all become closed systems in which few people think outside the box of the system. Yet they have led people up to a certain point, and they all serve a purpose and do some good, so there is no point in saying they are useless or completely false. A person who has realized oneness with God can still remain in a particular religious faith and try to help others see beyond the outer trappings of the religion.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraphs 3 and 4 in chapter 7 of the First Letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Next question: What about people who are in mixed marriages? That is, unequally yoked between a believer in oneness and one who can't or won't believe in the oneness of life?  My advice is that if you still love each other and are committed to each other's well-being, then stay married.  The believer can still hope that his or her spouse will finally understand it. The non-believer can still be happy with his or her partner despite differing beliefs.  Each example you give me would have different circumstances.

My basic advice to all people is to seek first the kingdom of God. When you truly find God within you, then marriage and sex will be seen for what they are, and what they truly mean to you will become evident."

Commentary: Mixed marriages of belief systems are a bigger challenge than mixed racial marriages. Usually the mixed beliefs come up after marriage when one of the partners gets "religion" or gets "enlightened" and the other partner just doesn't get it. One is fervent and one isn't.  Or both become fervent about different beliefs. That is why I heartily recommend the way of Oneness, because in oneness you see all paths in perspective. The different religious paths can be seen as the various ways a soul uses to gain experience in this world. There is no reason to put someone down or feel superior to someone just because of a different religious belief.  It's just a stage of development. The believer in Oneness needs to have patience and understanding of what other people are going through.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 2 of chapter 7 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Next question: What about sex before marriage? Since different cultures have different morals and customs about this, I won't make any blanket statement, although I just indicated it is not a good idea.  The sex drive is very strong, and young people especially want to know what it is like.  However I favor abstinence until marriage.  Young people need to be educated about the oneness of all life and to have respect toward the opposite sex.  They need to be educated about the blissful reunion with God the beautiful, all pleasing, all satisfying one.  Then they won't get lost in human sexuality, which of course ends when their bodies die.  But the love of God is forever and the joy of God is forever, ever new."

Commentary: We may think that it is useless to try to hold back natural impulses, but that is not true.  There are many testimonies of couples who have taken the sacred approach to sex and have kept themselves chaste for their marriage partner. There are many people who put God first and their spouse second in priority.  There are many people who keep sex in perspective and see it as just one part of their lives. The bliss of God goes way beyond the physical act of sex. The bliss of God goes way beyond bodily pleasures.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone, namaste:

We are now moving on to chapter 7 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book, "Gospel of One; :Letters of Aul." We begin with paragraph one:

"Now I will answer the questions you asked in your letter to me. First, what is my view on sexual relations?  We are biological beings.  Sexual activity is natural for us as it is for animals.  However, we have moral standards about it because we recognize that it is very connected to our emotions, our health, and our children.  We have the laws of marriage as well as the ideals of marriage wherein mutual regard is given to man and woman.  Once a marriage is established between a man and a woman, for their own well-being and for the well-being of their children, (as they come along to make a family), they would do well to build their mutual love and respect day by day.  They would do well to have sex only with each other.  They can determine their own frequency. If they look for other partners to have sex with, they are betraying themselves as well as their spouses.  If the marriage is falling apart or was a mistake in the first place, and cannot be saved even after counseling and attempts at reconciliation, then a divorce is acceptable, and then they can try again with new partners, always with an attitude of forgiveness towards their former partners."

Commentary: Learn from people who are happily married. They can give the best advice.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 6 of chapter 6 in the First Letter to the Orinthians, from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"There is a lot more to sex than sensual touch.  Sex is a spiritual mystery in the way that two may become one.  Since we want to have the blissful reunion with God, the union of man and woman is a a little taste of the ecstatic union with all of life--God.  That is why we want to have sex with commitment and mutual caring.  In acts of lustful, selfish, and abusive sex you can never really experience oneness with your partner.  In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of ourselves.  It doesn't pay to abuse yourself or others and squander the wonderful bodies that God has provided for you.  In fact God is in every cell of your body, so let people see God in and through your body."

Commentary: Maintaining sexual purity has always been a problem for humans.  We have biological needs and desires that are mixed in with all the other complications of human relationships. Even for people with high ideals of sexual purity, the temptations to fall from those ideals are strong.  However, for people who are sincere in their quest of experience in the oneness of all life and the bliss that comes with it, then sexual purity becomes a natural and sensible part of their Selfhood.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 5 of chapter 6 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"The body is a miracle of God.  It has great power to rejuvenate itself.  Every cell of your body has a job to do.  It's remarkable how it all works together.  Treat your body and the bodies of others with dignity and respect.  And remember your faithful body elemental who serves you so diligently.  Act like your body is the body of God, which in truth it is."

Commentary: The human body was created by exceptionally superb thought and design power.  Who among us could create a live, working body? And yet people are willing to kill other human bodies for various reasons.  Why do we not give full respect for these human bodies? The body grows and maintains itself in a wonderful way.  How does it do it? The power of God is within every body.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 4 in chapter 6 of the First Letter to the Orinthians in the book, "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Remember also that just because something is technically legal doesn't mean that it is spiritually all right.  We can't just go around doing what we think we can get by with.  We don't want to be whimsical.  You know that old saying about first eating to live and then living to eat? These  bodies may only be temporary, but that is no excuse for mistreating them by indulging in too much food and sex.  Honor your body as the temple of God. as I have reminded you before."

Commentary:  Yes, there are many things that are legal, but still harmful to yourself or others, physically and spiritually speaking.  There is no law against drinking 10 bottles of Mountain Dew in one afternoon. There is no law against smoking 20 packs of cigarettes in a day.  There is no law against not exercising every day. There is no law against watching tv all the time. There is no law against being grumpy all the time. It is up to each one of us to take good care of ourselves as far as possible.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gospel of oneness

Hello everyone;

We are now on paragraphs 2 and 3 in chapter 6 on the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"These court cases are an awful blot on your community. Wouldn't it be better to forgive one another and start with a clean slate. If you seek revenge then it will bring you more hurt and infamy.

Don't you see that you are falling back into the illusions of life. Those people who don't care about the God of all life will not be joining your community. Neither will those people who use and abuse each other and the earth and animal life. Many of you know from experience what I am talking about because you used to be on that list. But you finally made the effort to clean yourselves up and get a fresh start and once again remember that you are one with God."

Commentary: The urge to get revenge and even the score is a strong impulse in many people and societies. But if we give in to the urge to get revenge, then we join in with all the people who don't take the advice of Jesus to heart.. Forgive one another is one of his main messages. How nice it is to forgive and take that burden off of ourselves.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now starting chapter 6, paragraph 1 in the  first Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One, Letters of Aul.."

"And what is this I hear about taking each other to court?  Does it really make any sense to take these matters before a public court where they may know next to nothing about the oneness of life?  The day is coming when you will have the wisdom that exceeds Solomon's, so why not practice on these smaller cases.  Take responsibility for working problems out between yourselves without resorting to entrusting judgment to people who know little about the true God of life.  I'm writing this as bluntly as I can to help you see the absurdity of what you are doing.  The level headed ones among you who can make fair decisions need to speak up and take an active role."

Commentary: Even people who seem to be on a high spiritual path can get caught up in legal tangles. We've seen this in a number of spiritual movements.  There may be disputes about copyrights, or property rights, or personal abuse, employment abuse or deception.  Some spiritual movements have people working for little or no pay at all and it isn't clear if they are volunteers or not. Sometimes there is sexual abuse or harassment, even by the leaders. People need to deal with these issues as soon as possible to keep them from getting out of hand.  And they can do it if they bring out the inherent wisdom of the soul.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 4 in chapter 5 of the First letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Previously I wrote to you about not getting involved with the sexually promiscuous.  I didn't mean that you should avoid outsiders completely.  You'd have to retreat to a remote part of the country to do that.  However, my point is that when some of your own community members are promiscuous, or cheat people, or get drunk or stoned, you shouldn't ignore their behavior.  You just can't go along with it, fearing confrontation.  We can't try to regulate the whole society, but within our community we want to have people who really understand the life of oneness.  We want people who will live the golden rule.  We want people who are mutually helping each other.  Sometimes we need to clean house and find out where everyone stands."

Commentary: Even when a group of people are organized around high spiritual principles and guidelines, there will eventually be people with ulterior motives who come around to take part in the activities. This is a difficult situation because we can't see ulterior motives until later on.  Also, some people have the ulterior motive of seeking power, so they get into leadership positions, and then they start calling the shots, so to speak, and the whole original purpose of the group is undermined. That's why it's good to have open and honest communications between members of the group.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gospel of oneness

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 3 of chapter 5 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Bring the matter into the open and deal with it in the authority of Jesus Christ and the Ascended Masters.  Let them know the elder brothers and sisters are inspiring us to do our best.  Assemble the community. I'll be there in spirit and so will Jesus and the Ascended Masters who work closely with us. Let the people who have been misbehaving defend themselves if they can. If they can see the errors of their ways and sincerely want to change, you can help them.  If they are unrepentant and intend to continue to indulge in sexual immorality, then it may be better to ask them to leave the community. We know they are a part of the oneness of life, so we don't judge or condemn them, but we are building a movement of people who respect all life and who live for truth, beauty, honor, joy; and love. Loving sexuality between a man a woman who are committed to each others welfare for the long term is the ideal behavior we endorse."

Commentary: In any spiritual organization made up of people who live on this earth there will be sexual interplay.  It is unavoidable and should be acknowledged and dealt with honestly and honorably. It is up to each individual to keep up his or her own purity and integrity.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are beginning chapter 5, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul" (page 76).

"I also received a report of scandalous sex within your community of believers--of a kind that wouldn't even be tolerated within normal society.  And you are so loose and unconcerned about it!  I would think it would break your heart and bring you to your knees in prayer.  I would expect that you would confront these people and help them out."

"This matter of sexual misconduct needs to be brought out into the open because it can seriously harm a community.  I know that most of you are strong in the faith of always doing your highest and best for everyone, but the illusions of life are very strong, and the weaker ones among you may make poor choices about ego and body gratifications.  However, you must not look the other way and hope the problem goes away on its own."

Commentary:  Sexual infidelity, promiscuity, and selfish sexual desires can make it very difficult for a group of people to get along well, even for people who profess a high level of spiritual understanding.  We are spirit souls with earthly bodies and are thus subject to the sexual desires of all normal human beings. There are no easy answers to sexual dilemmas.  Practitioners of Oneness can know that all good desires will be fulfilled in the oneness of God.  Sexual desires that hurt other people are not acceptable. If sexual temptations are too strong, the best thing to do is to physically get out of the temptation as quickly as possible, and then you can regain your calmness and think clearly.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraphs 7 and 8 of chapter 4 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book :Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 75)

"I sent Imothy to you earlier.  He is my dear friend and he is true to the oneness of God.  He will inspire you to deepen your relationship with God and refresh your memory about how to stay in the freedom of God.  I realize there are some among you who are so lost in the illusion that they don't listen to anyone, let alone me.  They don't think I will ever confront them, but I'm bold enough to do it.  And, God willing, I'll soon be there for a showdown.  I'm empowered in the oneness of God to love everyone.

I can come to you as a severe disciplinarian who questions you about everything, or as an easy going friend and counselor who will share openly and freely with you.  Your attitude will make the difference.

Commentary: The illusions of life are so strong that people have a hard time living a life in an attitude of oneness and love for everyone. That is why it is good to reinforce each other in holding fast to the straight and narrow path of oneness.   Some teachers of oneness are very bold and strong about reminding people about this  That's a form of love.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 6 of chapter 4 in the first Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One: Letters of Aul." (page 74)

"I'm not writing this just to scold you and make you feel bad.  I'm writing as a concerned fellow traveler. I love you and want you to have a happy and fulfilling journey.  There are a lot of people all too willing to criticize and judge you, but there aren't a lot of people who are willing to take the time to help you on your journey.  It's because Jesus and the other masters who helped me realize my oneness with God that I became your helper.  I'm not asking you to do anything but take charge of your own lives.  Take responsibility for yourselves and remember your oneness with God."

Commentary:  A spiritual master wants you to stand on your own two feet (so to speak) before God. He wants you to realize your own oneness with God.  He can help you and become your advocate, but ultimately he wants you to be master of yourself and know for certain that you are eternally a free individual within the consciousness of God.  To do this we must take full responsibility for all of our thoughts, words, and actions.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 5 in chapter 4 of the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

Sometimes God does give us a real challenge.  Although we think we are spreading the good news that everyone wants to hear, many don't want to hear it.  We announce a meeting and no one comes.  We talk on a street corner and people pass by us quickly, anxious to avoid us.  We don't get any coverage in the press except for criticism, especially from the religious press.  Sometimes we go without meals.  We get our clothes from the thrift shops.  We can't get appointments to meet people.  We do odd jobs just to get by in some places.  People treat us like outcasts.  However, we return frowns with smiles, criticism with blessings.  We put in good words for our detractors because we know they are part of the oneness also."

Commentary: Going against the mainstream of societal expectations is never easy, but some ideas that were at first laughed at or even scorned, later became accepted.  So even if the oneness of all life is not a mainstream idea at the present, it may well be widely accepted and experienced in the near future.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are on chapter 4, paragraphs 2,3,and 4 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Be careful of jumping to conclusions when you don't know enough facts.  When the truth dawns in your consciousness you will see clearly who has really been helping you.  You will understand the motives and purposes of people.

I want to show you how to use your discrimination when it comes to following or listening to people who want to persuade you about something.  Don't rush into any conclusions without doing some of your own investigating.  Look at things from the point of view of oneness.  You can ruin people's reputations by repeating untrue descriptions.

For who do you know that really knows your heart? And even if someone knows your inner self, they could not judge you.  Everything we have, everything we are, is actually part of the oneness.  So what is the point of all this comparing and competing.  You already have everything you need just by being part of God., and you have a long way to go just to integrate it all.  We are all actually physical angels in this world--God's world, but we don't realize it yet."

Commentary:  If you can look at everything from the point of view of your oneness with God, you will be more at peace about your role in life.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are beginning chapter 4, paragraph 1 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (p 74)

"If you put the leaders of this movement up on a pedestal, you'd be making a mistake.  We are servants, not your masters.  We help show the way for now, but you may forge ahead of us someday.  We don't try to hold you back.  To be a good guide, you must know the way and be reliable and honest.  Popularity based on showmanship is misleading.  I don't care where I rank on the popularity poll.  I'm just being the best guide I can be.  If you are helped by what I write, I rejoice in the Lord.  God knows who is truly being served and who is truly serving."

Commentary:  Any leader who is looking to boost his or her own ego, or looking for power and influence, is not really fit to be a leader.  Humility and a spirit of service to others combined with good leadership skills makes good leaders.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

Today we are covering paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 in the first letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"You realize, I'm sure that you are the "temples of God" and God himself is present in you.  No one will get by with vandalizing God's temple, of that you can be certain.  God's temples are sacred, and we, please remember always, are the temples of God.
Don't fool yourself.  Don't think that you can be wise by gaining lots of worldly wisdom.  Search out the true wisdom of God.  Worldly wisdom about how to get along in a world where the idea of separation prevails, will not bring you to God. Worldly wisdom is the chicanery of the chic, the smoke screen of the manipulators, the veil of the cheaters.

I don't want to hear any of you bragging about yourself or anyone else.  Everything is already yours as a gift of God.  We are all part of God, and no one is superior or inferior to anyone or anything else.  All glory to God."

Commentary: God created us out of his own consciousness, therefore we cannot be separate. However, as spirit-souls with earthly bodies, we have forgotten our true nature. We think we are separate beings in a hostile world, and that we must learn how to survive by getting the best of others, whether by individual or group, or national efforts..But if we all recognized our oneness, we could all thrive with cooperation.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 3 in chapter 3 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One: Letters of Aul:"

To use another metaphor, you are God's house.  You have a blueprint, a vision of perfection.  You have a solid foundation in God.  That is your starting point.  Take particular care in choosing your building materials and build with loving care.  Eventually there is going to be an inspection.  If you used inferior materials, you'll be found out. The inspection will be thorough and rigorous.  You won't get by with the slightest mistake.  If your work passes inspection, rejoice!  However, if it doesn't, your errors will be pointed out to you, and you can then correct them.  If your building is really shoddy, it may be torn down and you will have to start over, so think it over.  It's your life we are talking about here."

Commentary: Some people think there is never going to be an inspection of their lives, and that they can get by with a lot of inferior thoughts and actions.  But at the end of our lives on earth, we get a life review wherein everything is seen and evaluated by one's higher Self and God.  We won't be moving on much higher, or maybe go lower, if we don't make the effort to create loving and compassionate lives.  We all make mistakes and fall short, but we have the chance to learn from every mistake. In our next incarnations, we will get a chance to transcend ourselves once more, or we can go for our ascension in this lifetime. Let's do that.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 2 in Chapter 3 of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."  (page 72):

"Who do you think Jesus is anyway? Or Buddha? Or Krishna?  Servant leaders, all of them.  All great spiritual leaders are actually your servants who wait on you until you gradually become Self-realized.  The seed of Self-realization is already within you, but they help you to nurture it and grow it into the beautiful flower and fruit of your real Self.  The God-Self within you is your real self.  The watering and care-taking from the outside are just menial tasks at minimum wage, but what makes them worth doing is the God we are serving.  You happen to be God's field in which we are working."

Commentary:  The great spiritual leaders that we know of have come to teach us about the meaning of life and how we need to live our lives in order to maximize our experiences on earth. They have come not to exalt themselves, but to serve other people out of their great love for God in everyone. Some of the followers of the great teachers may argue about which one is the greatest or truest, but the teachers themselves did not come for personal glory, and they don't want to be idols that get in the way of true God perception.  They can best be described as humble servants who want people to experience the bliss of God for themselves.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on the first paragraph of chapter 3 in the first letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 72)
"Right now I would like to address those of you who are backsliding into the illusions of life.  I am sad and shocked by the way you treat each other sometimes.  You're acting like ignorant kids in relation to this great truth of the oneness of all life.  You grab for the goodies of life and step on the toes of others as you go for it.  You're content when you have what you want, but when it is taken away, you cry about it.  Very attached you are.  And then when you take sides and declare you are on the "Catholics" side, or the "Sunni's " side, or the "Shaivite's" side, or you say, "I'm for the Brazilians, or British, or Chinese, or Greeks," or whatever side you take with the idea that you are separate from the rest of life, aren't you being foolish?"

Commentary:  We have put up a lot of artificial barriers between people in just about every area of life. We have divided ourselves according to religion, nationality, tribe, political group, schools, race,  and many more categories. And we seem to take these divisions so seriously. If a person is born as a brown-skinned Hindu in Madras, India he will have all the perceptions of life that come with that situation.  But if he moves beyond all those limiting, artificial conditions he may realize his universal identity in the oneness of God

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are now on paragraph 5, chapter 2 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 71)

"Your soul, not content to flit around the surface of life, dives into the depths of God and brings out the pearls of wisdom.  Who knows what you are thinking and planning except yourself?  It's the same with God--except that his thoughts and plans are what defines the universe.  God offers to share his blissful life with everyone at any time.  We don't have to rely on the world's guesses and opinions about religion.  We don't necessarily have to read books or go to a school.  We can learn directly from God through our I Am Presence.  The word of God comes to us everyday as our highest and best thoughts and feelings of love, compassion, peace, helpfulness, sharing, improvement, and enthusiasm.  These words of God are not locked up in any book, including this one, but come to everyone, every day, every moment.  We are just passing on what we have realized, hoping to inspire some of you who need a jump start"

Commentary:  Anyone who dives deep into contemplation of his or her own connection with the God of all creation will find many inspirations about life.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 4, chapter 2 in the first letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."  (page 71)

"The worldly experts of our day don't seem to understand the love and freedom God has given us.  And they don't understand that we are all one.  If they understood, they wouldn't be putting others down or mistreating others, because there is no "other."  There is only "us."  But you know and celebrate the oneness of life because you have come to realize it."

Commentary: There is a simple test to see if our so-called leaders and experts really understand life. Any leader who calls for war or vengeance on others or seeks to gain any advantage for himself to the detriment of others, doesn't understand that life is like a mirror. We are all one in God, any leader who doesn't know that, isn't fit to lead--in any area of life--politics, society, religion, business.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 3 of chapter 2 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 70).

"Now of course we know each other better, and I am more comfortable with my role in spreading this message of the oneness of all life.  The message is still not widely popular.  It isn't the fashionable wisdom of political and religious leaders who see life as separate.  They are always seeking an advantage for themselves and or their constituents.  God's wisdom is much deeper than that.  God's wisdom includes the well-being of everyone, even those who curse him and don't believe in him.  God's way is the slow but steady way of giving us freedom and love and letting us come back to him when we are ready."

Commentary: Isn't it interesting how major religious figures from all the world's religions still see the world through the lens of duality.  When will they realize that God loves everyone equally?  God doesn't favor one religion or nation over another.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste:

We are now on paragraph 2 in the second chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 70).

"When I began this ministry I was unsure of how to go about this and felt totally inadequate, mainly because I was thinking of myself as a limited human being, and so nothing I said could have impressed you or anyone else.  But the message of oneness came through anyway by the grace of God's power within each one of you.  Somehow you were ready for this message and understood it despite my ramblings and incomplete explanations."

Commentary:  Even if one is a great speaker and communicator, the message will not get through if it doesn't already resonate within the listeners.  Conversely, even if one is a poor speaker and communicator, the message will get through if it resonates within the listeners.  This message of the oneness of all life will not resonate with everyone, but it will resonate with many people who already recognize these truths within themselves.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are now starting chapter 2 in the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." Here is the first paragraph:

"You'll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to remind you of your oneness with God. I didn't try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest theological nuances.  I deliberately kept it plain and simple.  God is the only reality, and we are part of God.  God is the supreme being and his/her nature is love, truth, freedom, beauty, joy, bliss, and everything fascinatingly good beyond our human reckoning, beyond the duality of life, and that we are eternal identities within the reality of God and within the creation of God.  God is experiencing this creation through us and everything else because nothing is separate from God."

Commentary: This is another summary statement for the Gospel of Oneness.  We don't need any polished speechifying about the topic because this is something that needs to be realized inside every individual. We just need reminders sometimes. This is a reminder.