Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are now on the last paragraph of chapter one in the first letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Take a good look, my friends, at who you were when you were born into this world. You are from all walks of life, all races, all ethnic groups, all countries, all religions. Some of you occupy so-called "high" positions. Some of you occupy seemingly "low" positions. It doesn't matter to God. God knows your every thought. God knows all of your past lifetimes and possible future lives also. You have all played different roles. Some of you who now have high positions may well have been in low positions, and vice versa. So what is there to brag about? But with every moment of now you have a chance for a clean slate and a fresh start. You can be at your highest and best starting right now. The power of God is within you. If you are going to blow a horn for your ego-self, forget that and blow a trumpet for your God-self."
Commentary: We have all played many different roles, and probably in most of them the ego was in control, but it is our real God-self that matters. We are on our way back to our true identities in God. Our past experiences have had moments of glory and moments of shame, but the experiences did not define us. We are a lot more than any one lifetime of experience. Past experience is all valuable though, it forms the larger picture of who we are now as we press on to true freedom in God..
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

We are continuing with paragraph 12 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 68).
"Some people may be more impressed by a show of miracles or scientific explanations of life than by our quiet role modeling of oneness. They won't believe us, but for we who have personally realized the oneness of life--it is the secret wherein all life can be explained. Even the beliefs of the scoffers, atheists, and religionists are swallowed up in the oneness of God."
Commentary: People are attracted by celebrity figures, spectacular displays, and big promotions. Miracles get lots of attention. However, God sees all, including the honest endeavors of the people who are making a real contribution to the upward evolution of true spirituality. And those people are secure in their realization of oneness with God. They see everything in true perspective. The claims and pronouncements of high ranking religious figures or eminent materialistic scientists do not disturb them. Everything will be measured against the standards of eternal Truth.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 11 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (p68)
"Where do we look then, to find someone who is truly enlightened, truly wise, and truly knowledgeable about God and life? The folly of those who live in notions of separateness has been exposed again and again. Yet people still fall for the shallow philosophies based on separation from God. So where do we look? Let us look within and become role models."
Commentary: If we are always looking for somebody else to be the role model, then we will only postpone our own spiritual work. We do have role models for living the life of oneness, but we can't set them up as idols, which most religions have done with their founders and greatest saints and sages. Eventually we will have to stand on our own authority as conscious souls within the beingness of God.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 10 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (P 68)
"The gospel of oneness seems unrealistic to those who are lost in the thoughts of separateness and mired in the illusions of life, but for those people on the path of Self-Realization, it makes perfect sense. This is the way God works, and it is the way of sublime wisdom. The so-called experts of worldly wisdom who base their philosophy on the separation of life will be left as "cracked pots."
Commentary: It seems that most people are currently caught up in the dualistic struggles of life. Entire philosophies have been made up to deal with the dualistic vision of life. For example, the Chinese classic "The Art of War" is based on the notion that you can actually win a war by coming out on top in a dualistic struggle for supremacy. To have real victory everyone must work for a win-win outcome. Those people who stick to a dualistic view and try to come out on top will indeed be seen as "cracked pots" that cannot hold the water of oneness.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Namaste, Hello Everyone:
We are now on paragraph 9 in the first chapter of the first letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"My I Am Presence didn't send me out to make a name for myself and gather personal followers, but to preach the message of the oneness of life and to inspire people to treat all life as part of the oneness. And he didn't send me out to do it with a dazzling light show of my own, lest the powerful action at the center--your own Christ Self--be ignored in the outer display of wonders."
Commentary: Any attempt to make the preacher or teacher the focus of the message only leads to ego problems or idolatry. The message is that each and every one of us is at the center of God's creation, so let us all stand firm in the love and favor of our Creator God. God is us. We are all unique parts of the whole, and there is no division in the whole. It is amazing isn't it?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 8 in the first chapter of the Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 68)
"I ask you, does anyone have the whole truth? Has God written a book wherein all the eternal truths are revealed? Did Jesus appear to everyone on earth? Did Krishna come to the American Indians? Did Buddha walk the Roman roads? Did Mohammed live in an igloo with the inuits? Different teachers and masters have come according to specific needs, in specific areas, with specific people. Though they may have taught many universal truths, they still ministered according to what the people they were among needed and were ready for."
Commentary: No book, no teacher has given us the complete and final truth about life, but various teachers have given us many valid insights into the process of life. However, to say that one particular teacher has given the highest and best teaching would only be a personal opinion. Other people might have a different opinion, and to fight about it and feel personal animosity toward someone of a different opinion would only reveal a lack of assimilating the teachings of one of God's messengers.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are now on paragraph 7 in the first chapter of the Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"To be more specific, some of Loey's family brought a most disturbing report to my attention. Namely that you are fighting amongst yourselves. I'll tell you exactly what I was told. You're picking sides, going around saying "I'm on the side of Jesus," or "I'm on the side of Buddha." or "Krishna is my main man," or "Muhammed is the true prophet."
Commentary: If a religionist thinks his or her religion's founder is the best of all, or that his or her religion is the best of all, it only shows that he or she is in delusion about the spiritual life. It is a dualistic thought to think that one religion is the best for everyone. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammed, Confucius, Lao-Tzu and other true representatives of God all work together to help raise the consciousness of the people on earth. People who try to defend their own religion and promote it as the only or best religion on earth need to have their consciousness raised to the point where they can see the unity of life.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are continuing our study with paragraphs 5 and 6 in the first chapter of the Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (p68).
"However, we are still learning how to behave. We are not perfect. Learn how to get along with everyone because everyone is part of God. Develop the community of the Holy Spirit of God.
I mention this because I heard through the rumor mills that some of you are not getting along well because of religious bias. Some of you are saying that Jesus is the only way, or Mohammed is the last true prophet, or Krishna is the true God, or Buddha knows the way to live."
Commentary: Religious bias is still very common in the world. The toleration level may be higher than ever, but still not many believers are willing to say that another man's religion is just as valid as his own. A believer in oneness sees the purpose of each religion and how it took hold and became popular, yet he knows no religion was meant to include everyone. He knows the true goal of a valid religion is to lead people back to the realization of oneness with God.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with paragraphs 3 and 4 in the first chapter of the Letter to the Orinthians from the book "Gospel of One, Letters of Aul."
"My friends in Orinth, I think of you often, and I thank God for you. Isn't the freedom of God amazing? You have unlimited potential in God. It's way beyond our current understanding, but we do feel the love of God leading us on.
Consider this: The abundance of God is yours. You can draw upon it all in the fullness of time. God will help you with divine timing according to what you decide to become. God has been with you since the beginningless beginning, so he is always with you. Remember that always.
Commentary: We have unlimited potential and unlimited abundance. But it doesn't all come at once. We develop ourselves over the years, over the lifetime, over the lifetimes. The sooner we realize this the sooner we can accelerate our development in our God potential. You probably don't want to spend any more lifetimes in dreary ignorance of your connection with God.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:
We have finished going through the Letter to the Omans and are now starting the letter to the Orinthians in the book Gospel of One; Letters of Aul. (page 67). We start with paragraphs one and two.
"I, Aul, have been called and sent by my own mighty I Am presence according to my perceptions of what is true, righteous, and holy. I send my letter to you stalwart believers in the oneness of all life in Orinth, you who have cleaned yourselves up, shook yourselves free of the illusions, and now live freely in the love and glory of God. I include all in my greeting who call out to Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and others of the Ascended Hosts for help in dealing with the problems of life.
May all the gifts that flow from God, the angels, and Ascended Hosts be yours."
Commentary: Everyone has the right to make their own conscious connection to God and then to live in that relationship. The wisdom that comes through may be shared with others. Jesus, Krishna, Buddha and other saints and sages have shared their love and wisdom that comes with their deep connection with God in oneness. We look to them for guidance. People who understand the oneness of life know that Jesus, Krishna and Buddha are one in Spirit, yet have their own individual ways of expressing truth.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are concluding the Letter to the Omans with chapter 16, paragraph 6 from the book "Gospel of One, Letters of Aul."
"All of our praise rises to the One who is strong enough to make all of us strong, healthy, and wise, overflowing with love and joy. The mystery of life kept secret for so long is now an open book for us. All the nations of the world, all the people of the world can now know the truth and be brought into the circle of oneness. We can fulfill the purposes of God in making all of us co-creators in love and wisdom and power. All of our praise is focused on the incomparably wise God, and our thanks go to all the ones who went before us to connect with God and who have helped lead us home. Oh yes!"
Commentary: This sums up the message of oneness. We are all co-creating our lives with God and the holy ones who have already known this and have moved on to the ascended state are helping us to transcend ourselves and move up higher in understanding how the oneness of life works. We are all part of the wonderful life of God
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste;
We are continuing with chapter 16, paragraph 5 in the Letter to the Omans from the book Gospel of One; Letters of Aul.
"There has never been any question about your honesty in these matters. I know you have a true understanding about the oneness of all life, and I rejoice in that. I trust that you will make sure that every good thing is the real thing. Hold fast to the truth and don't fall back into the half-truths of the religionists. Stay alert to the presence of God everywhere and before you know it the peace and joy of God will fill your lives and you will see through the illusions of life. You will know how to live in the world without being crushed by the illusions. You will enjoy the best of God-Life."
Commentary: If you have the intention to do this, you can do it. If you are doing it already, you know the meaning of this paragraph. An example of a half truth is: Believe in this doctrine and you will be saved. Belief is just a step in the process of being saved. There is a lot more to the process. It isn't that simple or easy. We have to overcome our egos with all their quirks during the process of being saved. We have to see through the many illusions of life on this planet. We have to take full responsibility for ourselves. So it is not just a matter of believing something.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 16, paragraph 4 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul. (page 65)
"One final word of counsel, friends. Watch out for people who misuse the concept of oneness. They don't really understand the oneness of life, but they can see advantages in thinking what is yours is also theirs since we are all one. The idea of oneness can be abused by people who have a limited understanding. They will come on with pious sweet talk to dupe unsuspecting, trusting, but naive believers. Just be on your guard for scam artists who have no intention of working with us at this point in their evolution. But bless them, if they are willing to learn, we can help them remember their connection with God."
Commentary: The concept of oneness can be abused and even put into the dualistic framework where it is just another idea open to debate. However, a true and profound experience of the oneness of life will leave a person with a deep understanding of his or her connection with all of life. The scam artist is also part of life and will just be a passing phase for that person. So there is no need to condemn such a person, nevertheless, we can avoid being cheated by such a person with the discernment that comes from realizing our oneness with God and all of life.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello everyone, namaste:
We are starting chapter 16, paragraphs 1-3 in the Letter to the Omans, from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 65)
"There will be other people coming to Ome to be with you, such as our friend Pamela. I recommend her strongly. She is solid in the oneness of God. I hope you will open your homes to her with the generosity and abundance of God. She deserves every good thing as she is always helping other people. She has helped me many times.
Say hello to Parvati and Arlen for me. They have opened their home to many seekers, and many people are grateful to them. They have risked their own lives and livelihoods to help spread the gospel of oneness. We owe them a lot.
Actually, I have a long list of people to greet and the number keeps on increasing, praise God. I can't mention them all by name here, but you know in your heart of hearts who you are. I love all of you."
Commentary: There are a lot of people who have advanced the kingdom of God on earth, yet they never became famous. However, God knows the life story of everyone, and everyone's contributions are appreciated by those who know the truth.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello everyone; namaste:
We are continuing our study with paragraph 8 in chapter15 of the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 64)
"I do have a request of you, my friends. Please pray for me. Pray with joy and gratitude with and for me that I can deliver this message to everyone who wants and needs to hear it. Believe it or not, there are many religionists who are trying to block this gospel. They have a vested interest in the status quo, but even they shall see the light sooner or later. Pray also that this message will touch the hearts of the people in Erusalem and the entire Middle East. Then, God willing, I'll be on my way to see you with a light and eager heart. I'm looking forward to being refreshed by your company. God's peace is with all of us, oh yes!"
Commentary: There are many religionists in the Middle East who have vested interests in the status quo. Many have a vested interest in getting revenge for past wrongs. The cycle of revenge has been going on for a long time. If all of us prayed for a welcome acceptance of this gospel of oneness in the Middle East, and it was taken to heart by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, then we could all go on our way with lighter and eager hearts for a more peaceful world.
We are continuing our study with paragraph 8 in chapter15 of the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 64)
"I do have a request of you, my friends. Please pray for me. Pray with joy and gratitude with and for me that I can deliver this message to everyone who wants and needs to hear it. Believe it or not, there are many religionists who are trying to block this gospel. They have a vested interest in the status quo, but even they shall see the light sooner or later. Pray also that this message will touch the hearts of the people in Erusalem and the entire Middle East. Then, God willing, I'll be on my way to see you with a light and eager heart. I'm looking forward to being refreshed by your company. God's peace is with all of us, oh yes!"
Commentary: There are many religionists in the Middle East who have vested interests in the status quo. Many have a vested interest in getting revenge for past wrongs. The cycle of revenge has been going on for a long time. If all of us prayed for a welcome acceptance of this gospel of oneness in the Middle East, and it was taken to heart by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, then we could all go on our way with lighter and eager hearts for a more peaceful world.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are continuing our study with paragraphs 6 and 7 in chapter 15 in the Letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." page 64
"So I have been quite busy with spreading this message and that's why it has taken me so long to visit you. Now that I see a break in my schedule I'm going to book a flight to Ome, with a stopover in Adrid to give a presentation. I expect to have a marvelous visit with you and leave with even more blessings from God.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention that I am going to Erusalem to deliver a relief offering to the people there who are having such a hard time with the religionists who are fighting each other and causing lots of unnecessary suffering. I hope this message of oneness will help them see that they are all brothers and sisters in God."
Commentary: Three great religions have a great interest in Jerusalem, but they cannot apply their teaching to bring peace to the Middle East. That is because they are caught up in duality and they each regard themselves as the supreme religion. Meanwhile the people suffer because not enough of them are standing up for the oneness of life and equality of all in God, regardless of what religion they follow.
We are continuing our study with paragraphs 6 and 7 in chapter 15 in the Letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." page 64
"So I have been quite busy with spreading this message and that's why it has taken me so long to visit you. Now that I see a break in my schedule I'm going to book a flight to Ome, with a stopover in Adrid to give a presentation. I expect to have a marvelous visit with you and leave with even more blessings from God.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention that I am going to Erusalem to deliver a relief offering to the people there who are having such a hard time with the religionists who are fighting each other and causing lots of unnecessary suffering. I hope this message of oneness will help them see that they are all brothers and sisters in God."
Commentary: Three great religions have a great interest in Jerusalem, but they cannot apply their teaching to bring peace to the Middle East. That is because they are caught up in duality and they each regard themselves as the supreme religion. Meanwhile the people suffer because not enough of them are standing up for the oneness of life and equality of all in God, regardless of what religion they follow.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

hello everyone; namaste:
We are continuing with paragraphs 4 an 5 in Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (Page 63)
"The blessings of God shower down on every one of us. We are filled with joy and peace. The Whole Spirit of God is with us. We bubble over with love. I have been delighted about what you have accomplished in Ome. You have been supporting one another in living the life of oneness. So please don't take any of my remarks as criticism.
As I look back over what has been accomplished, I must say that I am quite pleased, and I would even say that God would say that we are on the right track. I'm not going to give you a chatty account of what I have been doing on my adventures, but I do want to say that this powerful and transforming message of the oneness of life in the love of God has triggered an encouraging response in many people around the globe. Now that we have the internet and world-wide communication, people from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe have heard this message. This has been pioneer work of bringing this message of the oneness of all life to places where people have never even considered the concept. Here it is in a nutshell: God is all life. We are individual identities in God's life. We are God's information and in formation. We are co-creating life with God."
Commentary: Paul had to travel around to spread his message, now we can reach people all over the world with the deeper implications of his teachings.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are continuing with Chapter 15, paragraph 3 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 63) (to buy a copy see Amazon or most any on-line bookstore including ones with e-book formats)
"Let us welcome one another as members of the same family of God. The saints do so, and now we will, too. If we stay true to the life of oneness in God, then we can reach out to every one of every religion or no religion. Many people of the various religions will be able to experience the truth of oneness. People of all colors, races, and nations will celebrate God. The rich and poor, upper class and outcasts will sing as one."
Commentary: We can separate ourselves in so many ways, by so many designations of outer differences, but when we see God in everyone. we see the true essence of everyone, no matter the outer difference.
We are continuing with Chapter 15, paragraph 3 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 63) (to buy a copy see Amazon or most any on-line bookstore including ones with e-book formats)
"Let us welcome one another as members of the same family of God. The saints do so, and now we will, too. If we stay true to the life of oneness in God, then we can reach out to every one of every religion or no religion. Many people of the various religions will be able to experience the truth of oneness. People of all colors, races, and nations will celebrate God. The rich and poor, upper class and outcasts will sing as one."
Commentary: We can separate ourselves in so many ways, by so many designations of outer differences, but when we see God in everyone. we see the true essence of everyone, no matter the outer difference.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are beginning chapter 15, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the "Letter to the Omans" from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." ( Page 63).
"Some of us, of course, are very strong in our faith in the oneness of all life. We can set good examples and be ready to help anyone who asks for help. We can be ready to serve others whenever and wherever we are called. We don't just sit proudly where we are. Instead, we look for ways to be of service to others.
Let's take a lesson from Jesus and other great saints. They didn't cross the street to avoid other people's troubles. They were proactive in helping others, and they knew just what to do. There are plenty of verses in the scripture of the world that counsel us to do what we can to help others. Let's call upon God and the angels to help us see our opportunities to serve each other, then we will be in harmony with each other. We will be a magnificent choir--singing together enthusiastically. Singing to life, to love, to the God of all."
Commentary: Service to others is a cornerstone of most religions. The question though is what type of service is best. The answer to that question lies in whom we are trying to help. Motive in helping is also important. Seeing God in everyone is a good motive to help anyone. If we listen to our inner wisdom, we will know what to do.
We are beginning chapter 15, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the "Letter to the Omans" from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." ( Page 63).
"Some of us, of course, are very strong in our faith in the oneness of all life. We can set good examples and be ready to help anyone who asks for help. We can be ready to serve others whenever and wherever we are called. We don't just sit proudly where we are. Instead, we look for ways to be of service to others.
Let's take a lesson from Jesus and other great saints. They didn't cross the street to avoid other people's troubles. They were proactive in helping others, and they knew just what to do. There are plenty of verses in the scripture of the world that counsel us to do what we can to help others. Let's call upon God and the angels to help us see our opportunities to serve each other, then we will be in harmony with each other. We will be a magnificent choir--singing together enthusiastically. Singing to life, to love, to the God of all."
Commentary: Service to others is a cornerstone of most religions. The question though is what type of service is best. The answer to that question lies in whom we are trying to help. Motive in helping is also important. Seeing God in everyone is a good motive to help anyone. If we listen to our inner wisdom, we will know what to do.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 10 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page62).
"Let us concentrate on our own relationship with God, and not try to impose our methods onto others. Analyze yourself to see if your actions are inline with your beliefs. If you notice that your actions are inconsistent with your beliefs, then you need to be aware of those episodes and correct yourself. You don't want to be a hypocrite. Have you ever heard anyone say, "I aspire to be a hypocrite?"
Commentary: Aren't we all hypocrites at one time or another? But if in all humility we engage in our relationship with God according to our understanding of God, then our relationship with God will grow and expand and transcend what we know now. To try to preach any ultimate truth to others is folly when the whole ocean of truth is yet to be discovered and understood.
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 10 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page62).
"Let us concentrate on our own relationship with God, and not try to impose our methods onto others. Analyze yourself to see if your actions are inline with your beliefs. If you notice that your actions are inconsistent with your beliefs, then you need to be aware of those episodes and correct yourself. You don't want to be a hypocrite. Have you ever heard anyone say, "I aspire to be a hypocrite?"
Commentary: Aren't we all hypocrites at one time or another? But if in all humility we engage in our relationship with God according to our understanding of God, then our relationship with God will grow and expand and transcend what we know now. To try to preach any ultimate truth to others is folly when the whole ocean of truth is yet to be discovered and understood.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraphs 8 and 9 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul.
"So let us not kid ourselves about thinking we know what is best for everyone. If we interfere we might only make things worse. If you want to do anything, encourage people to develop their personal connection with God. We are all precious children of God. Let's not spoil that beautiful conception.
Let's not confuse each other by magnifying petty issues way beyond their importance. All of us are children of God, let us be gracious and kind to one another. why condemn someone just because he or she eats differently than you do. Unkind words are worse than improper foods."
Commentary: If we think we know better than other people the temptation is to try to tell them how to live and follow our direction. The better way is to encourage people to develop their relationship to God and get their own inspiration from the Holy Spirit of God. In that way they can take full responsibility for their actions. Also, they won't blame you if your directions are wrong.
Of course if someone asks you for help that is another matter. In the humility of knowing that you are not superior or inferior, you can offer your help.
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraphs 8 and 9 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul.
"So let us not kid ourselves about thinking we know what is best for everyone. If we interfere we might only make things worse. If you want to do anything, encourage people to develop their personal connection with God. We are all precious children of God. Let's not spoil that beautiful conception.
Let's not confuse each other by magnifying petty issues way beyond their importance. All of us are children of God, let us be gracious and kind to one another. why condemn someone just because he or she eats differently than you do. Unkind words are worse than improper foods."
Commentary: If we think we know better than other people the temptation is to try to tell them how to live and follow our direction. The better way is to encourage people to develop their relationship to God and get their own inspiration from the Holy Spirit of God. In that way they can take full responsibility for their actions. Also, they won't blame you if your directions are wrong.
Of course if someone asks you for help that is another matter. In the humility of knowing that you are not superior or inferior, you can offer your help.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with Chapter 14, paragraph 7 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 62)
"It can be embarrassing when we criticize a brother or sister, and then all of a sudden the spotlight turns on us, and all of our faults are exposed. Eventually we are all going to realize our oneness with God. Being critical or condescending to others isn't going to get us or them to that point any quicker. Scripture says that every knee will bow in reverence to their own God Presence. So tend to your own God consciousness. We always have plenty of room for improvement of ourselves."
Commentary: If we purify ourselves we are helping other people. Criticizing others will only expose our own weaknesses.
We are continuing with Chapter 14, paragraph 7 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 62)
"It can be embarrassing when we criticize a brother or sister, and then all of a sudden the spotlight turns on us, and all of our faults are exposed. Eventually we are all going to realize our oneness with God. Being critical or condescending to others isn't going to get us or them to that point any quicker. Scripture says that every knee will bow in reverence to their own God Presence. So tend to your own God consciousness. We always have plenty of room for improvement of ourselves."
Commentary: If we purify ourselves we are helping other people. Criticizing others will only expose our own weaknesses.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 6 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." Page 62.
"Think of how wonderful it would be if we all agreed to use our time and energy in cooperating with each other. People like to hear encouraging words honestly spoken. Why let petty criticism spoil a good day's work together? I may be repeating myself, but please remember when we share meals with one another, our main concern should be to share the love of God, not to criticize our food choices. People will learn how and what to eat according to what is best for their bodies when they realize their bodies are temples of God. Meanwhile, be courteous and loving toward all at the dinner table and all other times as well."
Commentary: When we realize that our bodies really are temples of God, that God dwells within our bodies, we will definitely respect our bodies for the wonderful creations they are.
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 6 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." Page 62.
"Think of how wonderful it would be if we all agreed to use our time and energy in cooperating with each other. People like to hear encouraging words honestly spoken. Why let petty criticism spoil a good day's work together? I may be repeating myself, but please remember when we share meals with one another, our main concern should be to share the love of God, not to criticize our food choices. People will learn how and what to eat according to what is best for their bodies when they realize their bodies are temples of God. Meanwhile, be courteous and loving toward all at the dinner table and all other times as well."
Commentary: When we realize that our bodies really are temples of God, that God dwells within our bodies, we will definitely respect our bodies for the wonderful creations they are.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hollo Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 5 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 62).
"The important issues of life are not about external trappings, as you know. It is our inner connection with God that really matters--and it is where our true joy is found. Our purpose is to develop our God-connection. If we do that we will be on the right track and be in harmony with all life, which is God, which is love, which is life. Do you see?"
Commentary: This is another little summary about the purpose of life. The external trappings of life will all change, but our God connection is eternal.
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 5 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 62).
"The important issues of life are not about external trappings, as you know. It is our inner connection with God that really matters--and it is where our true joy is found. Our purpose is to develop our God-connection. If we do that we will be on the right track and be in harmony with all life, which is God, which is love, which is life. Do you see?"
Commentary: This is another little summary about the purpose of life. The external trappings of life will all change, but our God connection is eternal.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraphs 3 and 4 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 61)
"Or say one person thinks that certain days should be set aside as holy or special, and another person thinks that every day is just as holy as any other day, well, it is a matter of opinion with good reasons for each position. Let people decide for themselves.
The important point is to keep holy days for extra communion with God. As for what you eat, thank God for all your foods, and, if you eat meat, thank the animals that died for you, and all the people who helped get the food to you, and be at peace with other people's choices. We answer to God. Our own God presence is our master throughout all of our experiences. We all have our own God connection, so let's not criticize other peoples dietary choices."
Commentary: We can be non-critical and still educate people with information. A free interchange of ideas, opinions, and information is good. It is important to stay open to new ideas. Fears of ridicule or reprisals shuts down open communication. The idea here is not try to force our opinions on others. Everyone has their own God-connection to go to.
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraphs 3 and 4 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 61)
"Or say one person thinks that certain days should be set aside as holy or special, and another person thinks that every day is just as holy as any other day, well, it is a matter of opinion with good reasons for each position. Let people decide for themselves.
The important point is to keep holy days for extra communion with God. As for what you eat, thank God for all your foods, and, if you eat meat, thank the animals that died for you, and all the people who helped get the food to you, and be at peace with other people's choices. We answer to God. Our own God presence is our master throughout all of our experiences. We all have our own God connection, so let's not criticize other peoples dietary choices."
Commentary: We can be non-critical and still educate people with information. A free interchange of ideas, opinions, and information is good. It is important to stay open to new ideas. Fears of ridicule or reprisals shuts down open communication. The idea here is not try to force our opinions on others. Everyone has their own God-connection to go to.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are continuing with Chapter 14, paragraph 2 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Let's take the food and diet issues for an example: One person may be convinced that he can eat anything he wants to, while another person with a different background might assume that all of us should be vegetarians. And then another person thinks we should only eat raw food. But since we are all guests at God's table, wouldn't it be terribly rude if we all started criticizing each other for our choice of food. We don't have any business crossing people off the guest list at God's table. If there are lessons to be learned about food and diet, then people will come to them according to their own inner knowing from God. If someone asks for advice about what to eat, that is a different matter."
Commentary: The unspoken issue here is the rights of animals. Mankind has been eating animals for a long time and it seems normal and acceptable to most people. However, the meat producing corporations have been developing factory farms that treat animals in a cruel way, which in turn has lowered the quality of meat. Many people are still attached to eating meat and will not give it up even if animals are treated cruelly. That is their free choice and the consequences will come, so there is no need to judge them. However, there is freedom to talk about the benefits of a vegetarian or a vegan diet. In considering the oneness of all life, it is good to consider what we eat. How we treat animals will come back to us. It's a discussion worth having, just try to listen to what people are saying.
We are continuing with Chapter 14, paragraph 2 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Let's take the food and diet issues for an example: One person may be convinced that he can eat anything he wants to, while another person with a different background might assume that all of us should be vegetarians. And then another person thinks we should only eat raw food. But since we are all guests at God's table, wouldn't it be terribly rude if we all started criticizing each other for our choice of food. We don't have any business crossing people off the guest list at God's table. If there are lessons to be learned about food and diet, then people will come to them according to their own inner knowing from God. If someone asks for advice about what to eat, that is a different matter."
Commentary: The unspoken issue here is the rights of animals. Mankind has been eating animals for a long time and it seems normal and acceptable to most people. However, the meat producing corporations have been developing factory farms that treat animals in a cruel way, which in turn has lowered the quality of meat. Many people are still attached to eating meat and will not give it up even if animals are treated cruelly. That is their free choice and the consequences will come, so there is no need to judge them. However, there is freedom to talk about the benefits of a vegetarian or a vegan diet. In considering the oneness of all life, it is good to consider what we eat. How we treat animals will come back to us. It's a discussion worth having, just try to listen to what people are saying.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 1 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul. (page61).
Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see everything just the way you do. We all have different perspectives, and no one has the full truth. We can learn from each other. Don't jump all over anyone who really seems to have a contrary opinion. Remember, we all have our past histories to deal with. Treat people gently.
Commmentary: Even the greatest saints and sages don't claim to have the full truth. A person with a lot of knowledge has to guard against feeling superior, but actually the more you know, the humbler you become, that's the ideal anyway. It's good to remember that God is expressing through everyone, so give them a chance to let God shine through.
We are continuing with chapter 14, paragraph 1 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul. (page61).
Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see everything just the way you do. We all have different perspectives, and no one has the full truth. We can learn from each other. Don't jump all over anyone who really seems to have a contrary opinion. Remember, we all have our past histories to deal with. Treat people gently.
Commmentary: Even the greatest saints and sages don't claim to have the full truth. A person with a lot of knowledge has to guard against feeling superior, but actually the more you know, the humbler you become, that's the ideal anyway. It's good to remember that God is expressing through everyone, so give them a chance to let God shine through.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone; namaste;
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 5 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Make sure that you don't get so absorbed by and exhausted in trying to take care of other people that you become oblivious to your own connection with God. Go within and meditate every day, even for short periods if you have a busy schedule. We can't afford to lose or ignore our own inner connection with the total God of all there is. We need that daily connection with the aim of making it an every now moment connection. Call upon your angels and heavenly and earthly teachers to help you and let us remind each other that God is us."
Commentary: Sometimes we might run away from our own inner connection with God by focusing on the needs of other people. Balance is the key word. It's good to remind each other and to ask for help and reinforcement to stay balanced.
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 5 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Make sure that you don't get so absorbed by and exhausted in trying to take care of other people that you become oblivious to your own connection with God. Go within and meditate every day, even for short periods if you have a busy schedule. We can't afford to lose or ignore our own inner connection with the total God of all there is. We need that daily connection with the aim of making it an every now moment connection. Call upon your angels and heavenly and earthly teachers to help you and let us remind each other that God is us."
Commentary: Sometimes we might run away from our own inner connection with God by focusing on the needs of other people. Balance is the key word. It's good to remind each other and to ask for help and reinforcement to stay balanced.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 4 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 60)
"We will not run up debts because there will be no money system based on debt-money issued by a privately owned federal banking system. We can realize our huge debt of love and gratitude to and for life, if we want to think of debt at all. Let us live in love as much as we can. If you love everyone you will fulfill all the moral codes of good behavior. All those rules of good behavior add up to the golden rule. Love others as much as you love yourself, and be sure to love yourself."
Commentary: Currently our money supply is issued as a debt by a privately owned organization that gets to keep the interest on the money it created out of thin air. It is not a money system for a society that recognizes the oneness of all life. It is a money system set up by the power elite to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses. As more and more people realize the oneness of all life we will move toward a system of giving and receiving that is based on love for everyone.
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 4 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 60)
"We will not run up debts because there will be no money system based on debt-money issued by a privately owned federal banking system. We can realize our huge debt of love and gratitude to and for life, if we want to think of debt at all. Let us live in love as much as we can. If you love everyone you will fulfill all the moral codes of good behavior. All those rules of good behavior add up to the golden rule. Love others as much as you love yourself, and be sure to love yourself."
Commentary: Currently our money supply is issued as a debt by a privately owned organization that gets to keep the interest on the money it created out of thin air. It is not a money system for a society that recognizes the oneness of all life. It is a money system set up by the power elite to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses. As more and more people realize the oneness of all life we will move toward a system of giving and receiving that is based on love for everyone.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste;
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 3 in the Letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Now about taxes. We advocate abolishing a money system based on interest-bearing debt. We favor a system of giving and receiving because we see that God has supplied everything we need to feed and clothe and house everyone on earth. Let us manufacture things that are truly beneficial for us and the environment. All jobs that need to be done will be done by people who care enough to do them."
Commentary: In an economic system based on the oneness of life there would be more giving and receiving. There would be no financial elite who skim money off the top to keep on enriching themselves at the expense of others. There would also be no slackers who don't contribute to the common welfare. When we realize what we do to or for others we also do to or for ourselves, then society is more harmonious. A system of taxation, if necessary, would be used in a way that is consistent with idea of equality in oneness.
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 3 in the Letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"Now about taxes. We advocate abolishing a money system based on interest-bearing debt. We favor a system of giving and receiving because we see that God has supplied everything we need to feed and clothe and house everyone on earth. Let us manufacture things that are truly beneficial for us and the environment. All jobs that need to be done will be done by people who care enough to do them."
Commentary: In an economic system based on the oneness of life there would be more giving and receiving. There would be no financial elite who skim money off the top to keep on enriching themselves at the expense of others. There would also be no slackers who don't contribute to the common welfare. When we realize what we do to or for others we also do to or for ourselves, then society is more harmonious. A system of taxation, if necessary, would be used in a way that is consistent with idea of equality in oneness.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 2 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 59)
"Do you want to be on good terms with a government? Then be a responsible citizen who cooperates with other people for the common good. If we have people who are ignorant of the oneness of life and go about hurting people left and right, then we will need some kind of police force to restrain them with force, if necessary. We all have an interest in keeping a peaceful order so that we can go about our creative activities without fear of a tyrannical government or of hurtful people."
Commentary: If we had a society of 100% of people who realized the oneness of life, then we wouldn't need a police force, and we would have a government that truly served the people. But we don't have that yet, so we make sure we have that realization and hopefully more and more people will wake up to their own God-presence.
We are continuing with chapter 13, paragraph 2 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 59)
"Do you want to be on good terms with a government? Then be a responsible citizen who cooperates with other people for the common good. If we have people who are ignorant of the oneness of life and go about hurting people left and right, then we will need some kind of police force to restrain them with force, if necessary. We all have an interest in keeping a peaceful order so that we can go about our creative activities without fear of a tyrannical government or of hurtful people."
Commentary: If we had a society of 100% of people who realized the oneness of life, then we wouldn't need a police force, and we would have a government that truly served the people. But we don't have that yet, so we make sure we have that realization and hopefully more and more people will wake up to their own God-presence.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone; namaste:
We are beginning chapter 13, paragraph one in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 59)
" Let's be good citizens. We are all sovereign citizens of the universe. Let us all cooperate to make good governments insofar as we need governments to organize and run the common tasks that need to be done for the common benefit. If we are responsible to ourselves and each other on the local levels, then we can extend that to national and international levels. If we are responsive and responsible to our God-presence, then we will know how to get along with each other. A government of God-realized people will not take away our freedoms, but will reinforce them. When we live with the realization that all life is God's life, then we will have governments for the common good."
Commentary: We have had so many bad governments in all nations that is easy to become cynical about ever having a good government. But as people raise their consciousness and take responsibility for every aspect of their lives, I believe we will see the rise of better governments that reflect the true interests of peaceful and justice loving people. When people realize that we are all one in spirit, we will take better care of each other.
We are beginning chapter 13, paragraph one in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 59)
" Let's be good citizens. We are all sovereign citizens of the universe. Let us all cooperate to make good governments insofar as we need governments to organize and run the common tasks that need to be done for the common benefit. If we are responsible to ourselves and each other on the local levels, then we can extend that to national and international levels. If we are responsive and responsible to our God-presence, then we will know how to get along with each other. A government of God-realized people will not take away our freedoms, but will reinforce them. When we live with the realization that all life is God's life, then we will have governments for the common good."
Commentary: We have had so many bad governments in all nations that is easy to become cynical about ever having a good government. But as people raise their consciousness and take responsibility for every aspect of their lives, I believe we will see the rise of better governments that reflect the true interests of peaceful and justice loving people. When people realize that we are all one in spirit, we will take better care of each other.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 12, paragraphs 7 and 8 in the Letter to the Omans from the the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 58)
"Bless all who think they are your enemies and do not silently grumble about them. Find laughter and joy with your friends. Share their happiness as well as their tears about the troubles in life. Make friends with the seemingly down and out. Many are secretly hoping somebody will really befriend them.
Don't seek revenge, the cycle will just continue. The justice of God is perfect. Discover the beauty and talent in everyone. If someone is hungry, even if he is spiteful, share food with him or her. Your generosity will surprise people who think you are against them. Don't let evil get the best of you, but overcome evil with good actions. Always come back to your oneness in God."
Commentary: These are more timely tips for everyday living. Love is the only way to overcome evil. In oneness with God we can find that strong love.
We are continuing with chapter 12, paragraphs 7 and 8 in the Letter to the Omans from the the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 58)
"Bless all who think they are your enemies and do not silently grumble about them. Find laughter and joy with your friends. Share their happiness as well as their tears about the troubles in life. Make friends with the seemingly down and out. Many are secretly hoping somebody will really befriend them.
Don't seek revenge, the cycle will just continue. The justice of God is perfect. Discover the beauty and talent in everyone. If someone is hungry, even if he is spiteful, share food with him or her. Your generosity will surprise people who think you are against them. Don't let evil get the best of you, but overcome evil with good actions. Always come back to your oneness in God."
Commentary: These are more timely tips for everyday living. Love is the only way to overcome evil. In oneness with God we can find that strong love.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hellow Everyone, namaste:
We are continuing with chapter 12, paragraphs 5 and 6 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"As you create who you want to be, love from the center of yourself. There is no need to fake love. You are love. Shun the illusions that will bring you down. Be good friends with those who will remind you of your oneness with God. Lift each other up.
Be careful of getting burned out by trying too hard. Keep to your center. Meditate often. Eat a good diet to keep yourselves fueled with good nutrition. Shun junk food. Be inventive in hospitality and serve tasty but nutritious food. Don't get discouraged by anything, just pray about it. Talk to God."
Commentary: These two short paragraphs have many tips for successful living.
We are continuing with chapter 12, paragraphs 5 and 6 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."
"As you create who you want to be, love from the center of yourself. There is no need to fake love. You are love. Shun the illusions that will bring you down. Be good friends with those who will remind you of your oneness with God. Lift each other up.
Be careful of getting burned out by trying too hard. Keep to your center. Meditate often. Eat a good diet to keep yourselves fueled with good nutrition. Shun junk food. Be inventive in hospitality and serve tasty but nutritious food. Don't get discouraged by anything, just pray about it. Talk to God."
Commentary: These two short paragraphs have many tips for successful living.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Gospel of One; Letters of Aul
Hello Everyone, namaste:
we are continuing with Chapter 12, paragraph 4 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 58)
"If you are good at preaching, be a preacher. If you enjoy teaching, be a teacher. If you enjoy being a carpenter, be a carpenter. But know, those roles are not the final word on who you are. Your identity is deeper than what you do in one lifetime. Realize that you are pure potential. You are not fixed in one role forever. Your identity is within God, and as such, you are unlimited."
Commentary: We often identify ourselves and others by what our jobs are. Some people are looked down upon because they have lowly jobs, but a job does not define a person's true capabilities. We can do the best at whatever our current job is, but that work does not need to stereotype us or put us in a box. It is up to each one of us to reach for our higher potentials and to transcend our current positions. In our society jobs are often just a way to earn some money to pay our bills and buy a few or a lot of extra things. Whatever your job is, relate it to your oneness in God and expand your consciousness of what is possible.
we are continuing with Chapter 12, paragraph 4 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 58)
"If you are good at preaching, be a preacher. If you enjoy teaching, be a teacher. If you enjoy being a carpenter, be a carpenter. But know, those roles are not the final word on who you are. Your identity is deeper than what you do in one lifetime. Realize that you are pure potential. You are not fixed in one role forever. Your identity is within God, and as such, you are unlimited."
Commentary: We often identify ourselves and others by what our jobs are. Some people are looked down upon because they have lowly jobs, but a job does not define a person's true capabilities. We can do the best at whatever our current job is, but that work does not need to stereotype us or put us in a box. It is up to each one of us to reach for our higher potentials and to transcend our current positions. In our society jobs are often just a way to earn some money to pay our bills and buy a few or a lot of extra things. Whatever your job is, relate it to your oneness in God and expand your consciousness of what is possible.
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