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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

letter to the Omans

Namaste Everyone;

We are at Chapter one, paragraphs three and four of the letter to the Omans: "I am eager to come and visit you in Ome. I thank God for all of you and for your faithfulness. I love y0u all very much, and I pray for your well-being often. We will have much to talk about when we see each other again. Our meeting will be mutually beneficial, I'm sure."

"You know I've tried several times already to visit you, but other priorities have always come up. I have to deal with what seems most important at the time. Since we are one with everyone, I feel kinship with everyone. Still, you have a special place in my heart because of what we have been through together."

My commentary: Although we are one with everyone, it is only natural, in our human condition, to interact with only a limited number of people, and so those people seem special to us. We are born into certain families and become friends with certain people, but that doesn't keep us from having a loving attitude towards those who may be strangers to us. With this attitude of love for all, we can then focus on those people who are working or interacting with us.

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