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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 12, paragraph 3 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul" (page 57).

"We can be compared to the different parts of the human body. Every part has its unique function that contributes to the whole body. The body we are talking about is the whole creation of God. We find our roles and meaning of life within the context of the whole universe. Every one has something to contribute to the whole. There's no sense in being envious of others or comparing ourselves favorably against someone else. Look deep within to find your role if you haven't already found it."

Commentary: We have roles to play within our social contexts, and also in the big picture of the whole universe. We are connected to stars and galaxies. There's plenty of room to grow. We're not stuck in just one narrow role. Our potential is unlimited, it just depends on how far we want to expand our consciousness.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter 12, paragraph 2 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Personally, I'm deeply grateful for all that God has done for me. We live in the pure grace of God, it is important to remember our true positions. God is the real doer because God is all there is . We can understand ourselves better by what God is and by what he does through us. God experiences life through us. That does not mean that we are puppets. No, not at all. We have our free will."

Commentary: We are not God, God is us. We have no separate identity apart from God, but we do have individual identities within the being of God. We have been give the power to co-create within the majestic being of God. At this particular time in our earth history we are not co-creating very well, but we have the ability to make it better. If we all remembered that we are one in God we might do better.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are starting chapter 12 in the Letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"So here is my advice for you. Keep your regular routine of a balanced life, eating, sleeping, working, playing, and keep up with all your relationships, but place it all in the context of your oneness with life. See God everywhere. Respect God in all the variations of life. Honor yourself and honor others. At the same time be aware of peer pressure that drags you down. Keep your inner awareness of God. Quickly recognize and respond to the presence of God in every situation. The culture of TV, movies, shopping malls, sports, worldly music, and materialistic science will drag you down to its level if you let it. Tune into your God-Self, and you will rise above the mundane."

Commentary: Balance is very important in the spiritual life. If you are out in the material world a lot, it can be difficult to stay balanced. I salute those of you who are able to stay in tune with your inner God-presence during busy or stressful times. If you regularly meditate on the presence of God, it becomes easier to keep in tune all day long. You see the face of God everywhere.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 11, paragraph 6 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

" Once you realize the extraordinary kindness of God you will be astounded. And his wisdom is so wide and deep; it's way beyond our human understanding. Even the best philosophers and theologians don't even come close. No one can explain God. Our words are not adequate. Is there anyone intelligent enough to tell God how to run the universe? (Some people think they can suggest some improvements, though). Yet everything comes back to God, everything happens through God, and everything winds up in God. Glory to God forever. Praise to God forever. Yes, yes, yes!"

Commentary: What do I know? I'm just an ignorant fool. Or at least my ego is. But my conscious Self, my real Self, knows something about God, and that something is beyond words to explain. But we use many words to try to explain God. Love is at the top of the list.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

hello everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 11, paragraph 5 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

I want to be clear about this, my friends. It may be difficult and easily misinterpreted by some. We don't want to think that we are better than the religionists. Their hardness of heart is temporary, especially if you look at the situation in terms of the long range plans of God. We are all old friends of God, but many, or most of us have forgotten.There was a time, not so long ago, that we didn't remember either. But God's love for us is fully guaranteed and will never be rescinded. We have all experienced what it is like to forget our connection with God, but what a joy it is to finally remember. We are always welcomed back into the fullness of God, who graciously and magnificentlly recieves us withut any thought of punishing us because we forgot and acted in many contrary ways, to put it mildly.

Commentary: If one of your old friends was lost in a state of amnesia you would do what you could to help him remember his original self. If he did bad things you would not condemn him because you know that he's acting out of character. So God is just trying to wake us up from our delusive state so we can reclaim our divine identity as part of God.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 11, paragraphs 3 and 4 in the letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One, Letters of Aul." (page 55)

There may be some thick skinned old religionists who will hold on to their views until their dying days, but we don't want to give up on all those who may still wake up. They are not down for the count yet, and if they realize the oneness of all life en masse, what a homecoming that will be.

But enough about the unbelievers and religionists. I want to focus on you who are realizing your oneness with God. It's just that I do like to reach out to the religionists when I can. I'm hoping they will see their mistaken notions and then want to get in on the real joy of God. They are missing out when they think God is going to punish people and send millions to hell. They don't realize God is total love, total bliss and ever new joy. Naturally I want to share with them, even if they resist for awhile.

Commentary: God has compassion for those people who have such twisted beliefs in him. They are missing out on God's real joy. Jesus wanted to wake up the pharisees and other religionists from their distorted views about God, but it was and is a tough job. Jesus wanted to gather them as a hen gathers her chicks under her protection, but they were too lost in their own ego separation from God. You can see the egotists in every relgion. Still, we have hope for them, and when the mass awakenings happen, yes, that will be a happy day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter 11, paragraph 2 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 55)

" That does not mean we will have an easy time promulgating this message. People have murdered messengers of the truth, and they may come after us, but we have faith in the God that dwells within everyone. We don't know if the awakened ones are in the minority, or majority now. Things are changing fast. The more people who awaken, the faster others begin to awaken. The momentum is in our favor. People are awakening to this message because they are tired of the old, quarrelsome ways of the major religions. They want to know the truth about God and about life."

Commentary: The momentum of people waking up to the oneness of life is picking up speed. When it reaches a certain percentage, there will be a big increase in numbers. It is inevitable. However, until we reach that take-off point there will be many resisters who feel threatened by a change in world-view.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are starting on chapter 11, paragraph 1 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 55)

"You might think that God is exasperated with the religionists who cling to the illusions of life and that he will have nothing more to do with them. Hardly, remember, God is everyone, even the people who are lost in the illusion. Even those people who say that they don't believe in God, are part of God. God has been involved with every one of us from the beginning. God will not wash his hands of anyone. How could she? God is everyone."

Commentary: Jesus took the religionists of his day to task, and we may perhaps look down on the self-righteous hypocrites such as the Pharisees were, but if we judge them as inferior or condemn them, then we fall into duality. A person living in oneness loves everyone as an expression of God. He or she sees God in everyone. Sooner or later God will shine through every one clearly.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste;

We are continuing with Chapter 10, paragraphs 5 and 6 in the Letter to the Omans, from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." page 54.

"There have been plenty of opportunities already for people to hear about the oneness of life. Yes, the message has been mentioned may times before, but with our modern communications systems, a whole lot more people can now hear this gospel. Billions of people are now able to receive world-wide messages. We can now reach out to people in remote villages, small towns, and definitely to people in the big cities of the world. We can reach out to people who may be eager to receive this gospel. We can reach people who aren't even outwardly searching for this gospel, yet their souls will recognize this gospel as authentic.

We may get cold shoulders and icy stares from the religionists who have vested interests in the status quo, but their control over others is weakening. Millions, maybe billions of people may receive this message of the oneness of all life and take it to heart and begin living in accordance with it.

Commentary: Our souls know the truth, but our egos that have been conditioned by the illusions of life on earth find lots of excuses for avoiding the truth of our beings. Nevertheless, egos are being overcome and the conscious selves of people everywhere on the planet are awakening to the reality of the oneness of life. With our modern communications the truth now has a chance to travel just as fast as the lies do.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste;

We are continuing with chapter 10, paragraph 4 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

It may be difficult for some people to trust a God they don't really know, and if they don't believe in the oneness of life. But how can they know if no one tells them or sets an example for them? We are the ones who will show and tell. There are some scriptural verses that will support us, but not everyone is ready to hear the glorious news. There are many who will not come to hear this message, many will not be interested, and some people will be strongly opposed to it. But the point is, unless this great message is broadcast, people will be stuck in thoughts of separation. So we will broadcast it, and people can make their choices about it.

Commentary: Many people are so caught up in the duality of life that they have not even considered the possibility that there is a loving God who loves everyone and is indeed the only reality. We are part of the life of God. This message is being broadcast by many people, so now people will have a chance to consider it as the truth.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; Namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter 10, paragraph 3 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"If we trust in God with our body, mind, and soul like this, we will be satisfied. This holds true for everyone, no matter what a person's religious background may be. The same wonderful God looks after each one of us. She is incredibly generous and understanding to everyone who calls out for help in realizing our oneness with all life."

Commentary: Different religions have different conceptions of God, but any sincere believer in the supreme God of the universe is making a connection that will eventually lead them to realizing oneness with the supreme God. The important thing is to keep moving up in realizing the glorious wonderment of your own divinity in the oneness of all life. God in the form of Divine Mother cares so compassionately for each one of us, yet must let us live in freedom and make our own mistakes and learn from them. Though we make mistakes and suffer from them, Divine Mother God will comfort us.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 10, paragraph 2 of the Letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"However, this is all foundational work for us and everyone. Most people have been sincere about their religious beliefs, and now they may be ready to take the next step and realize who they are, and who God is. It is the words of faith in our oneness with God that actually welcomes the presence of God in our lives and begins to set things right for us. This is the core of our preaching. Say the welcoming words to God, "Thou and I are one." Embrace your God-Self in body, mind, and soul. You don't have to do anything. Just be. Be the highest and best being you can conceive and imagine and trust God to fulfill your beingness. That is salvation. God is the only doer. With your whole being you embrace God, and then you can say right out loud, "God is making everything just right."

Commentary: Christianity asks you to confess your faith in God and in Jesus as His only begotten son and savior of the world. But if you don't believe that Jesus is God's only son, and a lot of people don't, what are you going to do? Jesus is real and he can help you, but it is up to each one of us to realize our oneness with God. We can do that by accepting the idea of oneness and then living it everyday, gradually or quickly dropping the ego and regaining our soul identity. We control our own pace of realizing our oneness with God. If you believe this and are ready for this realizaton, you are in the homestretch.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste;

We are beginning chapter ten, paragraph 1 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

Let me make it clear, my friends. All I want is for everyone is what is the highest and best, nothing less. I want it with all my heart and soul and pray to God for it all the time. I certainly admit that many religionists are creative in their religiousity, but they can't seem to grasp the realization that God is every one of us. They think we are separate from God and have to be adopted into God's family. They have set up their religions almost as businesses, and now have vested interests in the status quo. If they admitted that each one of us is a sovereign being, where would their power and control be? Instead, they keep us paying for our salvation and do quite a good business. People willingly submit to the authorities of their religions and refuse to see themselves as the God-free beings that they are. But after all these years what do the religions have to show for it? --Buildings, power, money, control. And the people remain as ignorant as ever of their own God-Self.

Commentary: All the main religions have a vested interest in their own survival. Their main focus could be on helping everyone realize their oneness with God, but that goal often gets lost in the business of religion and most people go along with whatever the status quo is.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste;

We are continuing with chapter 9, paragraphs 7 and 8 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Some of your religious scriptures do hit the mark when they talk about the unconditional love of God for everyone. Yet then they turn around and say that God must be just also, and so he sends most people to hell because they deserve it. It's only a lucky few who will make it to heaven according to them. A person has to meet the requirements, usually just a matter of believing the right way.

Let me summarize this briefly. All those religionists who thought they knew God and the way to truth missed the target. How could they miss it? Because in insisting their way was best they set themselves up as superior. And they set up requirements and conditions for believers. They judged and condemned people who did not measure up. They thought that God needed something from them and went to great lengths to make sacrifices to God, whereas is truth God needs nothing from us. We are not slaves or employees of God. God may be pleased to see us create in love and beauty, but he does not require anything of us. We decide what to do and who to be and take responsibility for being and doing. Those people who are so absorbed in their religious projects don't see God right in front of them. They stumble over the plain truth and run to their scriptures to see what it was all about, but they don't look within and listen to God within themselves."

Commentary: I just read a book about Jehovah's Witnesses. They seem to be a good example of people who think they are superior because they believe the right way. Everybody outside their cult is doomed because they don't measure up to the requirements. They are just an obvious example, but many other cults and religions have the same kind of viewpoint that their religion is superior. Everybody else could be saved too if they would just get aboard their gospel train.

If you want to know who you are and your connection to God, you can do it without thinking that your way is the only way or the best way for everyone else. And if your holy scripture says there is only one way for everyone, check to see exactly what that means. Scriptures are not infallible. It's up to each one of us to realize our connection with God.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 9, paragraph 6 of the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Can any of us see the total wisdom of God? Can any of us call God into question abut his infinite identities? Do you know why a person is born blind? Do you know why one person is born into wealth and another into poverty? Do you know why one person dies young, while another lives into old age? Do you know why one person is born in the jungles of Borneo and another in Paris, France? Do you know why one person has beautiful features while another seems ugly? God is God no matter how, why, when, or where he shows up Love is what holds us all together. I don't care if you call yourself a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Confucianist, atheist, agnostic or whatever, unless you know God as the one and only life and love of this universe and acknowledge that God accepts everyone, loves everyone, and indeed, is everyone, then I think your religious beliefs are incomplete, and this is the sadness I carry with me. These good people of all faiths and no faith are all already part of the eternal God, and they don't even know it."

Commentary: Ego-identities tend to get in the way and obscure the God within, that is why people of all faiths and no faith don't see God in each other. Once you see what the ego is doing, in yourself and in others, and you don't let it control you, then it becomes easier to see God in yourself and in others.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 9, paragraph 5 in the letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Hindus have many outstanding religious qualities. They are tolerant of other religions for the most part. They see God everywhere and honor God in all of his or her various manifestations. They follow Krishna, a true avatar of God who gave them the essence of Vedic knowledge in the Bhagavad Gita. And yet so many Hindus do not really know God. They have let their rituals and social organization interfere with their direct connection ot God. There are no untouchables. Let me say it again in another way. No one is untouchable. God is equally present in the lowest person in the lowest class as he is in the highest person in the highest class. What you see before you is one lifetime out of many. One link of a long chain. One leaf of a treee in one season. The glory of God is one person may be hidden for awhile from those who do not know God."

Commentary: It's all there in the Bhagavad Gita. If Hindus really followed Krishna's teachings, they would truly have a great society.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 9, paragraphs 3 and 4 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"The Muslims also have many good things going for them. They have a strong morality, they fast and pray, they say that Allah is great and good, they excel in education and music, they believe in justice. And yet so many Muslims do not really know God. They think Mohammed was his last prophet, and that the Koran is the final word of God, and that God would send portions of himself to hell.

The Buddhists have many fine qualities and traditions. They are peaceful and are kind to animals as well as people. They follow the way of Buddha, a true avatar of God. Yet so many Buddhists do not really know God. Some even think that Buddha was an agnostic, and so they don't even try to have a personal relationship with God, who is their very Self."

Commentary: The words of God are always coming to us. Religionists get stuck in the past and do not move on with the River of Life. A true relationship with God is dynamic. Every day, every moment God is communicating with us. Let us be open to the constant love of God in every situation.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 9, paragraph 2 in the letter to the Omans, from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"I grew up with Christians, they're my immediate family. They had everything going for them--strong families, churches throughout the land, seminaries and theological schools, wonderful hymns, songs, poetry, excellent organizational skills, and of course they follow Jesus, a true avatar of God who is able to help anyone who calls on him. And yet so many Christians do not really know God. They think he has only communicated through one ancient book, and that he has only one son, and that God would send portions of himself to hell."

Commentary: Jesus could have said a lot of nice things about the pharisees, the sadducees, and the rest of the orthodox religious people of his time. I'm sure there were a lot of devout and good people who went along with the standard rabbinical teachings of the day. But Jesus saw that they were somewhat stuck in their limited beliefs. He challenged them to rethink their beliefs and to come up higher. The same type of situation exists today. Millions of orthodox Christians think they know the truth already and are satisfied with what they have. If Jesus came again to help move them higher, most people would resist and reject him, and not even recognize him because he would say things that differ from their doctrines.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are starting on Chapter 9, paragraph 1 of the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Even though I am a very happy person usually, I want you to know that I carry a certain sadness. It is a sadness deep within me that I haven't been able to let go of, even with the help of the joyous angels. I'll tell you what it is--it is the Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus, and other religionists who think they have all the answers, and that their way to heaven is the best for everyone else. If there was any way I could help them all see the truth immediately, I would do it. If they could just see, even for a minute, that God is Life. That God is love, and that kindness, joy and respect for all life are the foundation for living a good and harmonious life here on earth, then a large percentage of our problems would be solved already."

Commentary: Even though all the religions seem to want basically the same thing, they quarrel over which way is the best to attain it. They quarrel over doctrines and points of religious laws. Even within the major religions there are different sects, denominations, schools of thought that vie for supremacy of their way. God loves everyone no matter what they believe or don't believe, and since we are part of God, we can also express that unconditional love.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 8, paragraph 10 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."*

"God knows exactly what everyone of us is going through. He is there with people in the worst conditions. He's with the down and out as well as the rich and famous. He shares everything we think, say and do. She knows every experience we have gone through. At this moment she is taking care of us. Do you think anything or anyone can drive a wedge between us and God's love for us? Impossible! No trouble of any kind, no depression, no hatred, no hunger, no mind manipulation, no genetic tampering, absolutely nothing can interfere with God's love for us. I'm completely convinced that nothing at all--living or dead, angelic or demonic, past or future, high tech or low tech--absolutely nothing can stop or block God's love for us because God is pure love, and God is the only reality. Accept it. Melt into it. Grow into it. It is you. It is us."

Commentary: There is no escaping from God's love. If you want it, you got it. But mostly we seem to block it, but that is impossible, too. It will come through your shields and barriers. It will come through any interference from yourself or others. "The Hound of Heaven" is the famous poem that describes God's relentless pursuit of the lost.

* Available at on-line bookstores

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 8, paragraph 9 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."*

"God does have a master plan. He knew love would shape our lives. There was no need to force us into obedience. She didn't make us into puppets. She set us free in love and gave us the power to co-create our lives and our universe. And then, after setting us free to do whatever we willed to do, she stayed with us to experience everything we experience, to create everything we have created and to become more magnificent through us. So what do you think, with God on our inside like this, how can we lose?"

Commentary: This is in response to people who say God created everything, then stepped back to let us fight it out for evolutionary supremacy. God is right here with us in the middle of this cosmic drama because God is all there is. We are expressions of God. If you see yourself as separate from God, then you might have an ego problem. If you see yourself as an expression of God, then the ego is off its throne and your true individuality starts shining through.

*Available online:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; Namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 8, paragraph 8 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Although we are waiting for the golden age for the masses, we don't have to wait for ourselves. The angels of God are right here along side of us, helping us in every possible way. All we have to do is ask for their assistance. Even if we don't exactly know what kind of help to request, our higher selves do. Even if we just moan and groan for help, the angels will come to us with some kind of action, sometimes a very physical action. God knows every detail about our lives, and if we have the intention and desire to come into a golden age, it will manifest."

Commentary: The golden age manifestation is up to us. When enough people raise their consciousness high enough, a golden age will manifest. Meanwhile, we can make our own lives a model for the golden age. Even if we don't think we can do it, the angels of God will help us if we help ourselves. They will help us get over the rough places. God wants the best for all of us.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste;

We are continuing with chapter 8, paragraph 7 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Sure, there have been some mighty rough times, but they will seem like minor inconveniences compared to the coming good times. We believe that God's plan is beautiful and full of love and joy for everyone and everything. We know a golden age is coming; it is inevitable. The joyful anticipation deepens. All around us we observe an expectant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are similar to birth pangs. We are expecting the golden age to be born at any moment. And it is being born at every moment within us. One by one we are coming to the realization that God lives within us, that we are part of God. We are yearning for full deliverance and the longer we wait, the more joyful is our expectancy."

Commentary: A golden age is not imposed upon us. We make it happen by collectively coming into a higher state of consciousness. Temporary hard times help us to realize what is really important. A golden age is not a time of luxury; it is a time when the majority of the people live the golden rule and really love one another.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste;

We are continuing with paragraphs 5 and 6 in chapter 8 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"The illusion may have you in its grip sometimes, but you have no allegiance to it. It has its purposes, but it isn't the final truth. We are not slaves to the illusion, but we can be masters of the illusions. The best thing to do is to realize your God-Self and move on. There are many wonderful adventures to go on and things to co-create with life.

When you resurrect yourself past the illusions, it is a whole new life waiting for you. You are in partnership with God. You are co-creating your life with God, and we know that we will have every thing good coming to us--it's a hitherto unbelievable inheritance. We've been through hard times, and there may still be hard times to come, but when we see life through God's perspective, everything is explained, and everything is good."

Commentary: Once you overcome the illusions of duality and see life as a unified whole, your entire perspective changes. The struggle for existence is gone, and you become free to co-create with love for all of life.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 8, paragraph 4 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul:"

"If you allow your God Self to take up residence in your body temple, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of God. Of course anyone who hasn't welcomed the clearly present but invisible God into their lives won't know what we are talking about. But we who welcome and acknowledge God within us, even though we may experience the limitations of the body and are still affected by the illusion to various degrees, do make a lot of progress in the light. And, more than that, the living God of all can work miracles in your life and lift you up higher just as surely as he did for Jesus, Krishna, and other avatars. In fact your consciousness can become as fully alive and aware as Christ's or Krishna's."

Commentary: Well, that may be a long way to go to equal the consciousness of Jesus or Krishna, but we don't really need to compare in that way. Everyone has a unique contribution to make, and as we rise higher, it will seem natural to have an much expanded awareness in the consciousness of God.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 8, paragraph 3 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"When we focus on God we enter the bright and happy free life. But if we focus on our ego, we end up thinking more about ourselves than God, and then our lives become more cramped and circumscribed by various limitations. Remember, God is joyous life for everyone, love for everyone, abundance for everyone, respect for everyone."

Commentary: This is a clear choice between being ego-centered or God centered. To be God-centered is to know everyone else, everything else as part of your greater Self, and thus to act in the Self-interest of the whole.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter 8, paragraph 2 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"God has come into the illusion through us. God knows what it is like to be here and to go through everything that we go through: The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly--everything. So our key for getting out of this illusion is to remember our God selves. Those people who think they can figure it all out with the human ego run into one obstacle after another. Those people who trust God's action in them find that God really is in them--the living and breathing God.

Commentary: The living and breathing God is right here on earth. God knows everything about life on earth. He knows it through the incredible diversity of life. The realization of this goes way beyond what the ego can understand through linear thinking.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, Namaste;

We are starting on Chapter 8, paragraph 1 in the Letter to the Omans from the book Gospel of One; Letters of Aul.

"When many more of us realize that we are all one in God, the task of overcoming the illusions will be easier. Remember, we have labored for centuries under the illusion of separateness, which has brought sorrow and fear to many. But no longer, we are now full of hope. The mighty wind of Self-realization has blown away the dark clouds. We are now free from the awful tyranny of the illusions. I call it a tyranny because of the insane and brutal dictatorships the world has seen--run by people who thought the illusions were real. They tried to control what people did, said and even what they thought. All because they were lost in the illusion. They don't want us to know we are all sovereign beings in God. They would lose their power if we remembered who we are in truth. We are free in God-realization, oh yes!"

Commentary: When we think of the dictatorships the world has seen, we see leaders who were utterly lost in the illusions. They had no respect for the dignity of the individual. They killed or imprisoned people who were threats to them. They had no concept of the oneness of all life. They did not know that what they did to others they were actually doing to themselves. They did not know that every one of us is a sovereign being, with the full rights of a manifestation of God. If you think about this you can see where it leads--yes, kindness to all living things, respect for all life.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste;

We are continuing with Chapter 7, paragraph 7 in the Letter to the Omans, from the book Gospel of One; Letters of Aul.

We have tried many remedies and therapies, and they all work to some extent, but the good effects don't seem to last. Is there something or someone who can truly help us live a God-free, God joyous life? I would like to say yes, Jesus can help you, or Buddha can help you, or Krishna can help you, or any of the spiritual masters, and they can help you if you let them. But that is the key, your own will power. A thousand Christs, a thousand Buddhas, a thousand Krishnas may come to help you, but unless you use your will power to affirm your own God-self, none can save you. We can help each other. We don't have to do it alone. The community of people who believe in the gospel of Oneness can help one another."

Commentary: Your will power is your savior because you must use your will power to do anything, including accepting help from other people. It may seem hard to rouse our will power sometimes. We can help each other do that.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste;

We are continuing with chapter 7, paragraph 6 in the Letter to the Omans from the book Gospel of One; Letters of Aul:

"The habits we get into are hard to break. The moment we decide to do something good, the illusion is there to trip us up. We may truly delight in doing loving and kind things, but it is pretty obvious that our efforts are not all one hundred percent. There is part of us that holds back or is even covertly rebellious, and that shows up, sometimes when we least expect it."

Commentary: I think our worst habit is accepting the illusion of separation from God. It leads to all kinds of mistakes even when our intentions are good. It also lets the ego get the upper hand, and thus we try to satisfy the ego instead of God, or the All.