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Monday, September 14, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; Namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter 10, paragraph 3 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"If we trust in God with our body, mind, and soul like this, we will be satisfied. This holds true for everyone, no matter what a person's religious background may be. The same wonderful God looks after each one of us. She is incredibly generous and understanding to everyone who calls out for help in realizing our oneness with all life."

Commentary: Different religions have different conceptions of God, but any sincere believer in the supreme God of the universe is making a connection that will eventually lead them to realizing oneness with the supreme God. The important thing is to keep moving up in realizing the glorious wonderment of your own divinity in the oneness of all life. God in the form of Divine Mother cares so compassionately for each one of us, yet must let us live in freedom and make our own mistakes and learn from them. Though we make mistakes and suffer from them, Divine Mother God will comfort us.

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