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Monday, March 23, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; Namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 8, paragraph 8 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"Although we are waiting for the golden age for the masses, we don't have to wait for ourselves. The angels of God are right here along side of us, helping us in every possible way. All we have to do is ask for their assistance. Even if we don't exactly know what kind of help to request, our higher selves do. Even if we just moan and groan for help, the angels will come to us with some kind of action, sometimes a very physical action. God knows every detail about our lives, and if we have the intention and desire to come into a golden age, it will manifest."

Commentary: The golden age manifestation is up to us. When enough people raise their consciousness high enough, a golden age will manifest. Meanwhile, we can make our own lives a model for the golden age. Even if we don't think we can do it, the angels of God will help us if we help ourselves. They will help us get over the rough places. God wants the best for all of us.

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