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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with chapter 12, paragraph 3 in the Letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul" (page 57).

"We can be compared to the different parts of the human body. Every part has its unique function that contributes to the whole body. The body we are talking about is the whole creation of God. We find our roles and meaning of life within the context of the whole universe. Every one has something to contribute to the whole. There's no sense in being envious of others or comparing ourselves favorably against someone else. Look deep within to find your role if you haven't already found it."

Commentary: We have roles to play within our social contexts, and also in the big picture of the whole universe. We are connected to stars and galaxies. There's plenty of room to grow. We're not stuck in just one narrow role. Our potential is unlimited, it just depends on how far we want to expand our consciousness.

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