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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter 11, paragraph 2 in the letter to the Omans from the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul." (page 55)

" That does not mean we will have an easy time promulgating this message. People have murdered messengers of the truth, and they may come after us, but we have faith in the God that dwells within everyone. We don't know if the awakened ones are in the minority, or majority now. Things are changing fast. The more people who awaken, the faster others begin to awaken. The momentum is in our favor. People are awakening to this message because they are tired of the old, quarrelsome ways of the major religions. They want to know the truth about God and about life."

Commentary: The momentum of people waking up to the oneness of life is picking up speed. When it reaches a certain percentage, there will be a big increase in numbers. It is inevitable. However, until we reach that take-off point there will be many resisters who feel threatened by a change in world-view.

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