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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Gospel of One: Letters of Aul

Greetings Readers of all beliefs:

We are continuing with paragraph 6 of the first chapter of the letter to the Omans from my book: Gospel of One; Letters of Aul.

"Although God is plainly apparent to us, many do not recognize his presence. They have become confused and lost in the illusions of life. In the beginning we all knew God perfectly well, but then we incarnated into the physical universe and forgot who we are. We lost our sense of unity, we became needy, we started judging and condemning each other, we put conditions on our love, we developed a sense of failure and insufficiency, and we developed feelings of superiority and inferiority. We didn't know God anymore and we didn't know ourselves. We saw life as a struggle to survive and to get ahead of others. Then we thought God was on our side because we were "right." And so God was naturally against our enemies. The different religions of the world sprung up and became at odds with one another, as if there were different Gods who competed for the allegiance of humans. Even today people are killed because they belong to a different religion. Some people have even believed that their gods required animals or even humans to be sacrificed to placate them."

We may be born into ignorance about our divine origins, but we don't have to remain ignorant. There are many religions, but there can only be one over-all Creator of everything God. We are all part of the same God, no matter what religious beliefs we hold. May this simple truth permeate the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Acceptance of this truth would go a long way toward ending religious conflict and bigotry. God does not require anyone to follow any specific religion. We are free to co-create something beautiful with God.

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