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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hello Everyone, namaste:

We are continuing with The Gospel of One; Letters of Aul, letter to the Omans, Chapter two, paragraphs five and six: "Some people don't follow any form of organized religion, yet they know how to behave with kindness and love toward others. They show that love is built into the fabric of creation. There is something deep within all of us that echoes God's love. We will all know this some day.

The gospel that I proclaim takes into account all the differences of people, all the varieties of life. We are all part of God. We are all one with each other in the Oneness of God."

Commentary: If we didn't have organized religion, we would still have love. The universe is made of love. We are made of love, the pure love of the Creator. Religion can divide people, but true love brings them together.

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