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Thursday, February 7, 2008

gospel of one; letters of aul

Hello Everyone; Namaste;

We are starting chapter four, paragraph one in the letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"When we think of the great ones who established the religions--Abraham, Jesus, Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Buddha, how do we fit them into the oneness of God? Did they establish "my way only" paths to God? No, they didn't, but many of their followers did. The great ones came to teach according to what the people of certain cultures and times were ready to hear, and enough people responded to make their teachings into a religion."

Commentary: The great religious teachers of the past are working together in the ascended state of being. They are all part of the spiritual organization that oversees the development of life on earth. They respect the free will choices of everyone, and so do not try to impose their wills on the people who are in physical embodiment. While they were on earth, they had specific roles to play in bringing forth teachings to various parts of the world. Krishna and Buddha taught what people in India were ready to hear, though Buddha's teachings were carried to other Asian countries. Confucius and Lao Tse brought teaching for China. Jesus and Mohammed brought teachings to the Middle East. The universal parts of their messages strike a chord in people everywhere.

It is some of the followers of these great teachers who have tried to say that their ways are best for everyone. This is one of the main causes of religious conflict--thinking that one path is the best for everyone. If the followers realized that their leaders were all working together, there would be more peace in the world.

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