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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone, namaste:

We are moving on to chapter 7, paragraph 1 in the Letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"I'm sure you understand all this my friends, because you know all about the illusions--how they work and how they hold sway over the unenlightened. For example, you know how people can get caught up in thinking they are better than other people, or that some people may be failures, or that death exists, or that God needs anything, and so on. We have make up countless rules and regulations in order to live within the illusions. But many people did not understand the purpose of the laws. "Laws are meant to be broken," as some would say. Laws were something to rebel against. They restricted our freedoms. If we could get away with something, then we did. The "criminals" were the ones who got caught. And there is so much fine print in the law just about everyone is a law breaker. Just look at the speed limit for cars, for example. How may of us of driving age have broken the law in regards to speed limits?"

Commentary: Because so many people don't recognize the oneness of all life, we have made up countless laws to fit every situation. The golden rule is the guiding law of oneness. Treat everybody as if they are part of your greater Self. If people followed the golden rule there would be no need for all the other laws.

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