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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi everyone, namaste:

We are now moving on to chapter 7 in the First Letter to the Orinthians from the book, "Gospel of One; :Letters of Aul." We begin with paragraph one:

"Now I will answer the questions you asked in your letter to me. First, what is my view on sexual relations?  We are biological beings.  Sexual activity is natural for us as it is for animals.  However, we have moral standards about it because we recognize that it is very connected to our emotions, our health, and our children.  We have the laws of marriage as well as the ideals of marriage wherein mutual regard is given to man and woman.  Once a marriage is established between a man and a woman, for their own well-being and for the well-being of their children, (as they come along to make a family), they would do well to build their mutual love and respect day by day.  They would do well to have sex only with each other.  They can determine their own frequency. If they look for other partners to have sex with, they are betraying themselves as well as their spouses.  If the marriage is falling apart or was a mistake in the first place, and cannot be saved even after counseling and attempts at reconciliation, then a divorce is acceptable, and then they can try again with new partners, always with an attitude of forgiveness towards their former partners."

Commentary: Learn from people who are happily married. They can give the best advice.

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