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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hi Everyone; namaste

We are now moving on to the first paragraph of chapter10 in the Second Letter to the Orinthians from the book Gospel of One; Letters of Aul:

There is a personal issue that I want to address.  I've heard through the rumor mills that I've been evasive and easy-going and even slack when I'm with you, but harsh and critical when I'm at a safe distance away writing letters.  I guess some people mistake my mild manners for being a pushover, but don't think for a moment that I won't stand up for the truth.  I give people slack and don't force my views on anyone, but in a general letter I need to make my views clear and bold.

Commentary:  People like to discover truth for themselves.  Reminders may help, but each person must come to oneness one at a time.

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