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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gospel of One; Letters of Aul

Hello Everyone; Namaste:

We are continuing with Chapter 3, paragraph 7 in the letter to the Omans in the book "Gospel of One; Letters of Aul."

"As for any group claiming to be special or "chosen," well, that is just plain false. We choose to be chosen. What we've learned is this: God does not respond to any one particular point of view. Our vision of life is too small to define God. No religion has the complete truth about God. We finally realized that we ought to be humble about our beliefs and to admit that we don't have all the answers. Your truth might be good for you, but not necessarily satisfy someone else. My way is not a better way, it just another way that I happen to like."

Commentary: If we are all equal in the sight of God, how can anyone or any group claim to be special or chosen? It is our own actions that make the difference. If we work to spread the good news of the oneness of all life, or if we do a lot of charitable work, or if we carry out special missions in life, we may seem to be "chosen." If we have special abilities and talents, we may seem to be favored by God, but God loves everyone unconditionally. People who think they are "chosen" above others by God, and thus are better than others will no doubt be served some humble pie sooner or later. Anyone who thinks he or she is superior to others because of his or her religious beliefs, will also be served humble pie, served up by life itself, by the laws of God which keep everything in balance.

News Note: The US presidential primaries are happening now. Which candidate do you think is closest to understanding the Oneness of all life? Ron Paul? Mike Huckabee? Barack Obama? Hilary Clinton? Dennis Kucinich?

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